21 Day Fix Review
Health,  Product Reviews

21 Day Fix Reviews

Ready to lose weight? Are you willing to put in the work? 21 Day Fix could be the program for you. It’s great if you are not sure where to start when it comes to getting in shape. It’s one of those “all in one” programs. You get a little bit of everything.

In this review, I am going to cover all the many facets of this program, which will give you the information you need to decide if this is what you want.

If you want my personal opinion, I liked the program. I did not love it. I found a better program to enjoy, which I am going to talk about later. For now, we are going to dive into this 21 Day Fix program.

21 Day Fix Review

What Do You Get in 21 Day Fix?

  • Print materials, such as the Start Guide, Eating Plan, and Quick Fix Guide
  • Countdown to Competition Guide (for those that want to do figure competitions)
  • Portion Control Containers
  • 21 Day Fix Extreme and 21 Day Fix (regular) on DVD

Who Hosts the Program?

Autumn Calabrese is the woman behind the DVDs. She is a mom, a fitness competitor, and a “tough love” fitness guru. She uses her knowledge she’s gained over the years along with optimized workouts to help the program followers get farther and feel good about their fitness journeys.

She believes getting a firm grasp on portion control and great workouts are the ways of getting the body you want, now and in the future.

What Makes This Program Different?

I think most often, we as humans fail at weight loss because the moment we achieve the goal we want through restrictive eating and working out like mad, we think we’ve done it and go back to eating the same way we did before the health kick set in.

We might lose weight at first, but old habits die hard. Slowly but surely, the weight creeps back on.

The main focus of the program is actually eating well. You might think it is the DVDs, but nope! The 21 Day Fix Program offers you the materials you need to rethink and correct bad eating habits. Good portions are the key to losing weight and fueling your fitness.

Calabrese notes that weight loss is simple; you have to burn more calories than you take in.

As a result, you have a lot of options in what you can eat, so long as the portions are right. You don’t have to eat plain veggies, rice cakes, or other so-called “diet foods,” if you don’t want to!

This knowledge, plus the intense exercises you will do, will fight the fat and get you feeling great.

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The Fix: Eating Well

Calabrese offers a solution to the portion control dilemma faced by many of us: how much is too much or too little? She brings you portion control containers in a few different sizes. They are color-coded for all types of food. They take the guesswork out of your portion size dilemmas.

We overestimate our portions at times when losing weight. I have done this many times. This takes that problem out of the equation. It helps you know exactly how much of something to eat.

And when you eat too much, you feel bad. You think, “Well, I screwed up, so I guess I better just give it up and start some other time again.” You then go back to the old habits, and all progress is erased.

This helps you know exactly what to eat and makes calorie intake much more manageable. It’s also a great way to eat the foods you love with zero guilt or worry.

The Color-coded containers are easy to use. The differing sizes are a good reminder of what your diet should consist of.

  • Orange- For seeds, dressings, and other toppings.
  • Blue- Healthy fats. You put your nuts, olives, and avocado in here. Healthy fats are good for cholesterol and lowering heart disease risk.
  • Yellow- this is for carbs. Here you will put your pastas and breads. These foods are easy to overeat on. It will help you enjoy them but still stay on track.
  • Red: This is for meats. Meats are easy to overeat on, but this will help you stick with a healthy 4 oz.
  • Purple is for fruit. Fruit is good and sweet, and packs in vitamin C and Vitamin B, keeping you healthy and satiated.
  • Green: This container is for veggies.  Veggies are great for weight loss because they are full of protein and fiber and have less calories than other foods such as meats. By eating lots of veggies, you can stay full for longer and keep your metabolism burning like a furnace.

The containers are a real game-changer when it comes to turning eating habits into lifelong actions. You also get the Shakeology cup, which is good for mixing protein shakes (you don’t have to do Shakeology shakes, but it’s recommended).

These shakes are meal replacements that give you 23 vitamins and minerals, control your hunger cravings, and keep your diet in check. You get to choose from great flavors like strawberry or vanilla; there’s even a chocolate peanut butter.

These shakes are great for when you’re on the go. When you are out and about, it’s easy to slip into bad habits. But with Calabrese and Shakeology, it will be easy to keep your goals on track.

Let’s Talk Workouts

21 Day Fix Review

Eating is the main component of weight loss and shaping up. Working out is the second most important thing.

The full-body workouts you do with 21 Day Fix ensure that you will see results in a matter of weeks!

The DVDs are packed full of programs that incorporate weights and cardio moves. These will increase your metabolism and get your body toned.

There are also parts of the program that focus on fitness styles like yoga. I love yoga, and I was hoping for more of it in the program, but there was only one day that involved yoga.

It was a massive letdown for me. The workouts are also really challenging. One workout, in particular, the plyometric one, left me reeling. I had to sit down afterward! I really felt like I was going to faint.  (Don’t be like me, modify a move if you have to!)

Once the program is complete, it will be apparent that you lost some weight (provided you followed the food plan to a tee!) You will also feel and look stronger than before, and you will feel healthier, too.

The fitness DVDs are necessary for getting the full benefits of the program. I didn’t see a place where these programs were available for streaming services, which would be handy for someone who has to travel but still wants to work out.

I liked that the DVDs are broken up into 30-minute programs. After all, experts recommend 30 minutes of working out as the minimum daily quota for fitness. These workouts are hard, but you can fit them in on a lunch break or any time of day that works for you.

The workouts are fun and intense, and there are a variety of people working out alongside Autumn Calabrese in the videos. I appreciate the diversity in the videos; it definitely made them better.

In summary: This is a fine program if you would like a hand-holding approach to losing weight. I don’t say that in a mocking way, I really think this is an excellent way for people to lose weight if they feel lost or confused about how to go about it.

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But Does It Work?

The basis of losing weight is to burn more calories than you take in. It’s a simple prospect, but so hard to follow in a world of temptation!

You are burning massive calories and eating good foods on the 21 Day Fix Program. So, if followed to the letter, yes, this program will work.

The program is a bestseller, and you can go online and see many who have done the program and gotten results from it.

It is thanks to the workouts that fit into your life since they are simple 30-minute chunks, the containers which make it easy to know how much and what to eat, and Calabrese’s promises that your hard work WILL pay off.

Why I Didn’t Really Dig It

So again, I want to be clear that this program is by no means a bad one. It will work. But it’s not what I was looking for.

I ended up having to modify a lot of the workouts, which is fine. They are very hard to do and involve a lot of jumping. If you have bad knees, get ready to modify.

I also did not like the ads that were shown before and after the workouts were over. Talk about a time waster. If I paid for the DVDs, I don’t want to be advertised to about another product.

Lastly, the lack of streaming is a bit of an annoyance. In today’s world, we stream everything. DVDs are fine, but most of us are looking to stream on our devices.

What I Prefer and What I Think You’ll Love: Yoga Burn

Now I want to talk to you about the other program I ended up going with when I was looking for a fun fitness program. It’s called Yoga Burn. I loved it because it was a tough but doable workout, and I really felt fantastic at the end of each session.

I never felt faint, which is a plus!

I also noticed some serious tone and flexibility changes in my body once I was done with the program.

Let me tell you all you need to know about this awesome program.

About Yoga Burn or Her Yoga Secrets

You may have heard this program referred to as “Her Yoga Secrets” in the past. However, it’s still the same great program. The host of the fitness videos is a woman named Zoe Bray Cotton. She is an energetic and upbeat host who makes you feel great about the work that lies ahead.

The technique Zoe uses in her videos is called Dynamic Sequencing. Here you burn up fat and calories, which leads to weight loss.

The program is fairly priced at just $37, and there is a 60-day money-back guarantee available as well in case the program isn’t what you hoped for. It’s best if you go here to get the program because that way, you won’t be buying from any of those fraudulent sites claiming to offer “discounts” or other deals.

About Ms. Cotton

Zoe Bray Cotton is a personal trainer and yogi. She uses her experience as a personal trainer to help you tone up your body, lose extra flab, and feel fantastic. Her fitness program is designed just for busy women like us. It helps us reduce our stress and tone up the body.

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Benefits of Yoga Burn

  • Your abilities are what shapes your routine. The routine changes as you get more and more advanced into the program. Zoe herself tells you that you have to perform yoga poses and moves that are pertinent to your goals. This is where the addition of Dynamic Sequencing came about.
  • It lowers stress and promotes relaxation. I don’t know about you but working out gets me feeling great. I love how it makes me feel, and Yoga Burn does that very well. You feel relaxed, beautiful, and like you learned something when the session is over. I feel calm, and my mind is clarified after this program.
  • It caters to YOUR needs. The problem with fitness programs is that some of them cater only to a certain group of people. I am not big on jumping, but 21 Day Fix is. Granted, I could modify, but I felt like I wasn’t working my hardest with the program. This lets you go at your own pace and is easy on the joints.

Can You Tell Me What Dynamic Sequencing Is?

This is a new method of doing yoga that helps you learn and master poses. It helps you hold the pose longer and helps you learn sequences that will have you flowing from the start of the class to the end.

It helps push through weight loss plateaus and gets you in great shape.

There are three phases in which the sequencing takes place. In each of the phases, you will find high quality and detailed instructional clips that help you learn and grow in your yoga.

21 Day Fix Review

What Are the Phases?

  • Phase 1: This is Foundational Flow. This is where you learn the yoga beginnings. You learn how to be safe practicing this art. You learn to create a bond between your body and mind that will help you flow through more advanced movements in the future and learn poses that help the metabolism go faster.
  • Phase 2: This is the Transitional Flow. This is where the first phase poses, and the second phase poses come together to create beautiful sequences, which is a great mood booster and excellent for toning some trouble areas on the body. (I have a paunch, for instance, and it got smaller with Yoga Burn!)
  • Phase 3: Mastery Flow Phase is what we call this. Here, you will combine all you have learned in the first and second phases. This is where everything comes together to help you create a beautiful and toned shape.

Bonuses are included when you buy this program, too. There are audio classes for when you feel confident doing poses with no video present, and there is also the Tranquility Flow bonus. It’s just a calming class for days when you want to work out but need an anxiety or stress buster.

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My Workout Plan

Yoga Burn

You might be wondering what the structure of Yoga Burn looks like.

Here’s what I did all week:

  • Monday: Phase 1 videos
  • Tuesday: Go for a run
  • Wednesday: Phase 1 videos
  • Thursday: Roller skating at rink with kids
  • Friday: Phase 1 Videos
  • Saturday: Tranquility Flow
  • Sunday: Resting

There are three workouts in each phase. It means there are 9 videos and the bonuses. Each workout is only 15 minutes in length, but you do it for three times, which equals 45 minutes.

You spend 4 weeks on each phase. Your goal is to do all three workouts once a week, plus Tranquility Flow. This gets you four days of Yoga.

Once you have done this four times in each phase, you can move to phase 2 and repeat.

Any Diet Plans?

Yoga Burn does not come with a specific diet plan like 21 Day Fix. You will want to create a diet that works for you and is reduced calorie. After all, calorie intake reduction and exercise are the only ways to lose weight sustainably.

I personally followed a plant-based, no processed food diet that met my calorie needs for the day. I allowed one cheat meal per week with my family and drank plenty of water. Be sure to consult a healthcare professional if you need help creating an eating plan that works for you.

Pros and Cons?

Here I will talk about my pros and cons of Yoga Burn. This gets you a well-rounded look at the program.


  • It’s very easy to follow. You can just watch the video, and eventually, you memorize the pose and just flow through it.
  • It’s great for women who are veterans of the gym or just starting out.
  • It helps you get the results you want, in a way that won’t break the bank or your back, for that matter.
  • It is super convenient- you can do it right at home, outside with your tablet propped against a tree, wherever you’d like to get it done!
  • Money-back guarantee- If you don’t like it, send it back, and you get your money back. It’s a 60-day guarantee, too!


  • Not great for advanced practitioners of yoga. If you’ve been doing it for years and you know you’re good at it, this is going to be too easy for you.
  • It’s not a five-day program. I like to work out at least five days a week, which only gives you four days of work.
  • Not ideal for those of you that really want to SWEAT when you work out.


Where Can I Buy Yoga Burn?

The best place to get Yoga Burn is by clicking here. There, you will have the chance to pick out the program that works for you. You can get one set of the program, which includes the physical and digital editions, or you can get TWO sets of the program for just $20 more.

It makes a nice gift for a woman you know who loves fitness and feeling great. I sent a copy to my sister, and she loved it. She lives in a rural area where the nearest gym is 30 minutes away, so her chance to work out at home means a lot.

Are There Discounts?

No discounts available- do not be fooled by any site claiming to offer you a deal or bargain. The program’s price always stays the same but rest assured that Zoe Bray Cotton continues to add value to the program, releasing bonuses occasionally.

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Wrapping It Up

I loved the chance to do both of these programs and try them out. Once again, 21 Day Fix is a fine fitness program. It really works your body, you will sweat a lot, and you will love the small rest breaks Autumn Calabrese includes in the workouts.

However, it is very taxing on the body, especially if you have health issues like bad knees.

Meanwhile, the Yoga Burn program by Zoe Bray Cotton is very accessible to women of all fitness levels. Regardless of your age, health, or fitness level, the program is set up so all people can enjoy the benefits of yoga.

I can’t wait to do this program again and again as I maintain my fitness and healthy eating. You can do it, too. Good luck, have fun, and Namaste!

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