30 Min Full Proof Workout Plans for Busy Moms

30 Min Full Proof Workout Plans for Busy Moms

When it comes to a busy day, the last thing you want to do as a mom is to work-out. However, the workout can energize you. 

A mom that started working out noted that after she lost ten pounds, it was easier to just do housework around the home. If this doesn’t motivate you, then we don’t know what will? 

This particular home workout is designed for busy moms. It is 30 minutes of HIIT, which means that you will have a rest in between every exercise. Studies have shown that HIIT workouts are just as effective as regular workouts of the same length. 

In this one, you will want your favorite hip hop music blaring in the background. Alright, so let’s get into one of these workouts for moms.

The Warm-Up

Every good workout has a warm-up. For this one, we will be doing jump jacks. You need to do one minute of jumping jacks, followed by a 30-second rest

This should be repeated four times. It may get a little boring, but remember that the warm-up will prevent a person from injuring themselves. It will also help with soreness post-workout. The warm-up and the cool-down are important.

The First Set

Now that those joints and muscles are limbered up, it’s time for the next phase. This part is difficult. It is a plank walkout. 

Start upright and crouch to your knees. Then, take your hands and walk out to a push-up position. Those that want added difficulty can add in the push-up. 

This is a minute workout and will help with strength training. Keep walking the plank in and out. There is no need to hold the plank/push-up position. 

After this, you can have a 30-second rest. Then, you need to be prepared to repeat.

The Second Set

At this, you are already nine minutes into the workout. If you are starting to sweat, remember, that this is a third over. 

If you cannot do anymore at this point, then you will need to stop and restart later in the day, or just go again tomorrow. 

Some women have a hard time building up their fitness. These workouts are moderate level, so if you can only do a third at first, then remember that that is okay. 

You should do five to ten minutes of stretching as a cool down. If you want to go for a 20-minute workout, then make it ten minutes of stretch.

If you find you can continue, it is time to move on to the plank. The plank will work the core muscles. It is an exercise that many find grueling, but it can also be rewarding. 

Go into the plank position, which is essentially the position that you would be in to start a push-up. Then, sit there for a minute. Just remember, you will have a killer core if you keep doing this workout. 

Make sure your butt is tucked in and not overextended upwards. Then, after you are done, you can have a 30-second rest. You must repeat this twice.

The Third Set

We are now 13 minutes in, which is nearly half. If you feel pumped, then it’s time to keep up the cardio. Go find a wall, and you will now start to sit in a squat. 

You will have your back against the wall and the top of your legs bent to be parallel to the ground. This is your time to shine. 

You need to hold this position for a minute. After the minute is up, give yourself a 30-second rest. This should be enough to recover. Then, go in again. This should be repeated four times. 

The Fourth Set

Now you are 19 minutes in. If you feel it bad, then go into a five-minute stretch and cool down. Those ready to muscle through need to have the grit and determination to carry forward. 

On this fourth set, you will be standing upright. This part will start to help you with your arms. Since you have worked so hard in the 20 minutes, the next ten should be a breeze. It’s also going to get easier, as we believe the harder part should be at the front when you have the most energy.

Stand up and put your arms straight out. Then, make circles with your arms. Just do medium-sized circles going forward. 

Do not quit. You need to do this for two minutes. After the time is up, then you can have an entire one minute to recover. After this, then put your arms up and go again. 

The Fifth Set

Here we are, and you are at 25 minutes. This has been difficult, but you are a super mom. Supermoms know how to push through hard circumstances. 

At this fifth set, you will be doing squats up and down. This will reinforce the previous work out with the legs and also be aerobic. 

Start standing and squat down. You will keep going up and down for one minute. Then, take a 30-second break. Continue the exercise again. Repeat this three times in total.

The Cool-Down

Now in the cool-down, you will do your favorite stretches to relax your muscles. You should stretch out your legs and arms as well as your torso. 

Try to remember your stretches from elementary school, because really, stretching has not changed that much. You can try going to the splits as well if you want to test out your flexibility.

Tips and Tricks

When you do your workout, you will probably find that you are inclined to be your own worst enemy. This workout is actually pretty standard, so you really should aim to work up to doing the full thing in a month’s time. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you are really out of shape.

Those who are overweight will find this workout is still fine for them. Those who are obese should lose weight through lighter cardio before trying something so intense. 

You might find that you want to give up, but keep working out. There are people that really respond well to workouts.

You can also try logging your calories on a program like Noom which will help you to reduce your weight. 

This way, you can make sure you don’t sabotage your efforts by overeating. It’s really about math when it comes to losing weight, so you should keep up your stride through careful portion control. 

If you are already at a decent weight but you want to be more toned, this workout will definitely help. It will get you into your best shape in no time flat. 

You can always find ways to up the ante too by squeezing your muscles as you do the workouts. This will make sure you are utilizing them as you do the movements.

Don’t give up on your own health, because you deserve to be happy too. Moms are people as well as caregivers, and you should treat your body right.

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