Baby Sleep Miracle
Parenting,  Product Reviews

Baby Sleep Miracle Review

Are you hanging on to your last thread of sanity because your baby just won’t let you get some shuteye?

If it’s 3 am and you’re at your wits’ end with NO clue how to help your little one, Baby Sleep Miracle may be the thing that saves you both.

Welcoming your new bundle home is one of the biggest joys ever, but let’s be honest: taking care of that tiny, vulnerable infant is a lot of hard work.

And utter exhaustion or even depression from sleep deprivation doesn’t help.

If You Feel Like You’re About to Break Down, You’re Not Alone!

Baby Sleep Miracle

I’ve got one little kid, and I know all too well what a screaming, crying infant at night, every night, can do to you. I still shudder at the memory of it.

Yes, I say memory, because that’s all it currently is, thank heavens. My baby is sleeping well – no more crazy, sleepless nights.

And I started getting somewhere just a few days after beginning the techniques in Mary-Ann Schuler’s book, Baby Sleep Miracle.

Even if you’ve tried it all, Baby Sleep Miracle will give you a whole new approach.

So today, I’ll be reviewing this revolutionary, scientifically-backed resource on helping toddlers get into a habit of natural, restful sleep.

By the time you’re done reading, you’ll know if Baby Sleep Miracle is for you, and whether it’s worth your time and money.

Be sure to read the entire review as there are some things you must know before you make the commitment!

Sleep Deprivation…

If you’re anything like me when I found Baby Sleep Miracle, you’re probably so exhausted, and you can barely focus as you read this.

I get it. Totally.

The pregnancy itself was very rough, and the labor cost my baby – David’s – life. But I came out of it eventually – I gave birth to Susan 2 year later.

Nearly Cost Me Everything

But things weren’t looking very bright still. I’d spent a lot of money on the medical bills, and my work wasn’t yet bringing in a lot of profit. I had to work AND take care of my baby, and I was breastfeeding too.

I was going through a bout of depression, and I couldn’t get help from anyone. I was entirely on my own. My work needed hours of attention every day, and my baby was a 24-7 job. My baby just wouldn’t sleep, not night, not day.

Baby Sleep Miracle

By the time my baby was 4 months old, I cracked. I knew I had hit rock bottom when I started thinking I should give her up for adoption, and to hell with it all.

That’s when I mustered the willpower for one final attempt at getting my life back together.

I had to get my sleep back to survive. Literally.

So the first thing I realized was that I needed to do something about the baby. Because I just couldn’t go on any longer without sleep, and neither could she.

Being a solo mom, my finances were a bit low, so I couldn’t afford an expensive sleep consultation or fancy sleep aids. It had to be something affordable, something that I could go through in my own time and apply my own way.

Baby Sleep Miracle Was Truly a Find

No, I’m not exaggerating. And I’m not trying to feed you hype. I’m just sharing my honest, painful story.

I’m a very practical person, and I love my kid. I had spent hours online even before my baby was born, learning everything I could about taking care of an infant, including the best techniques to help them sleep.

So when my child was born, I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but I was as prepared as I ever would be. And NOTHING worked.

I was told that carrying her in my arms all the time wasn’t a solution, and I couldn’t afford to do that anyway. Because I had to work like a donkey to keep the business alive.

And I hated the idea of letting her cry herself out. But eventually, I caved in and tried it, for lack of better options. It still didn’t work.

I bought several programs that didn’t work before I finally got to Baby Sleep Miracle.

I scoured the net for solutions, grabbing at straws. There were lots of videos, books, and apps I went through, all of which promised results.

I was low on cash, but I bought several anyway, hoping for a solution, only to regret wasting my money afterward.

So by the time I got to Baby Sleep Miracle, I was disgusted, and about to give up completely.

baby sleep miracle

Baby Sleep Miracle was a purely accidental find.

I found the program entirely by chance. Somebody had mentioned it on a Facebook group designed to help new moms solve their baby issues.

But the group was just full of people trying to market all sorts of things, so I wasn’t convinced.

Still, my situation was one step short of total disaster. By this point, I was running low on cash but still too desperate to care, so I spent more money and bought the program anyway.

… and it actually worked.

I’ll be eternally grateful I made that decision, zombie-like as I was at the time.

The baby was sleeping, actually sleeping, 6 or 7 hours straight at night within a week of implementing the techniques in Baby Sleep Miracle.

No, my business situation did not improve. But at least the baby was finally less cranky and a lot calmer because she was getting some sleep.

And most importantly, at the risk of sounding selfish, I was getting some sleep because I had to be the one to hold everything together.

So What Exactly is Baby Sleep Miracle?

If you’re just too exhausted and choose to stop reading right here before making up your mind, please read this one last section before you go.

Baby Sleep Miracle is a resource on the latest, scientifically-backed, safe, and natural techniques to get your toddler to sleep. It’s a simple, step-by-step guide that explains what works, and more importantly, why it works.

Baby Sleep Miracle is:

  • Practical
  • Actionable
  • Concise and to the point
  • A resource on sleep solutions for toddlers up to 5 years of age

Baby Sleep Miracle

It’s NOT a miracle solution.

Wouldn’t it be lovely if there really was some push-button device that you could turn on to magically get rid of your baby’s sleeping problems?

But there is no such miracle cure. It comes down to working to resolve the problems in the way of your child getting his sleep.

So no, Baby Sleep miracle is not a scam that promises overnight results. You have to learn new stuff and put some effort into it.

Baby Sleep Miracle is a Comprehensive E-Book with over 100 pages of solid info.

What Baby Sleep Miracle does is to tell you how to achieve the results you’re after. All in a well-illustrated and clearly written book, broken down into logical, easy-to-follow chapters.

Now don’t freak out. Yes, reading through the whole book will take you a couple of days. But you don’t have to get to the end to start applying what you’re learning.

It’s broken down into 4 chapters.

Chapter 1: The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation

Talks about a lot of stuff that you’re probably (unfortunately) no stranger to. The author explains how sleep deprivation can strain a mom’s relationship with her child and partner and cause a nervous breakdown.

It talks about all the symptoms of sleep deprivation, like anger and frustration, and how they can lead to marriage problems or even divorce.

Chapter 2: Understanding Sleep

Does exactly what you think it does. It’s all scientific and explains how sleep works in humans and why we need it, in simple terms, that you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand.

There’s a lot of information here, but it forms the foundation of the techniques Mary-Ann Schuler gives later on, so it’s well worth the read.

Chapter 3: General Sleep Rules for Newborns and Infants

It’s full of all sorts of little things that are easy to miss, but make a huge difference in helping your baby develop a healthy sleep pattern.

Much of this information is basic, but the chapter does debunk some sleeping myths and can help fill in a few gaps.

Chapter 4: Good Sleep at Every Age

This is where you’ll find the most valuable stuff. Here you’ll find age-specific tips, tricks and routines to make your baby sleep well. This is the part that finally got my 4-month-old son to sleep.

I was too exhausted to read the whole book, so I just skipped to his age section and got working. In a week, I’d turned our screaming, sleepless nights completely around.

Bonus Materials

The book comes with three. Two are short booklets: one is a guide on helping your child get rid of nightmares, the other talks about how to get twins and siblings to sleep.

The third bonus is the soothing Miracle Sounds designed to help any baby go to sleep.

If you’re too tired for everything else, start with the 7 steps guide to put any baby to sleep.

Baby Sleep Miracle Pros

  • Well-structured with age-specific tips and advice
  • Offers practical, actionable solutions
  • Sets realistic expectations: no overnight miracle promises
  • Research-based work written by a child psychologist who is herself a mom
  • Comes with 3 bonus materials and a 60-day money-back guarantee
  • Lots of positive reviews from moms

Baby Sleep Miracle Cons

  • Only available in English, French, Spanish, and German
  • Requires you to read and invest time in getting results
  • Mostly in book form: more video examples would have been nice

What You Need to Know About Baby Sleep Miracle

Let’s be honest. If you’re expecting overnight results and aren’t prepared to put in some effort, then Baby Sleep Miracle isn’t for you.

The program is for parents, moms and dads both, that are struggling with getting their toddlers under the age of 5 to sleep.

It’s for parents that have tried all the tricks they can think of and have still not gotten any decent results.

Baby Sleep Miracle is for folks that have to juggle taking care of their baby with their busy jobs and everyday lives, and cannot function without sleep any longer.

In short, Baby Sleep Miracle is for you if you’re struggling with sleep deprivation because your toddler is too, and you’re ready to invest a few hours in removing the cause of misery in both your lives.

baby sleep miracle

Does Baby Sleep Miracle Really Work?

You’ve already heard my story, so I won’t go repeating it. Suffice it to say that things were truly desperate because the sleep deprivation was driving me nuts.

Baby Sleep Miracle took some effort to read through and digest, especially since I was basically a brain-dead, walking zombie. But I did it, and I’m so glad I did.

Some of the strategies it talks about you can start practicing right away. And if you don’t have time to read the whole book, there are short subchapters for each age group that you can jump to right away.

Give it a couple of days to get through the book and a couple of weeks to work on your toddler, and you really will have your sleep back.

And I’m not the only one getting results. I can totally relate to people like Mary Olsen from Florida, who was in tears because she’d tried every trick in the book to get her little girl to sleep, and was still failing. Or Jennifer Williams from New York, whose husband actually wondered what to do now that the baby was sleeping and they had their lives back!

Is Baby Sleep Miracle Right For You? Where Can You Buy It?

If you’re the lucky one in a hundred million new moms whose toddler sleeps like an angel through the night, then you don’t need a book like this.

But if you’re here reading this, I’m guessing that’s not you.

So yeah, if your toddler is having trouble sleeping and nothing you’ve tried has helped, Baby Sleep Miracle is for you.

  • It’s not a marketing gimmick, or a recap of old techniques that you know won’t work.
  • Baby Sleep Miracle is written by a child psychologist with over 20 years of practical experience.
  • More importantly, she is a mother herself.
  • The program is also backed by cutting edge research from Harvard and Stanford, both very respected institutions.

You can get Baby Sleep Miracle and the free bonuses it comes. It will set you back a few dozen bucks, but it’s money well spent.

You can download the materials as soon as your payment is confirmed and dive right into the thick of things.

And it’s safe. If you go through the book and feel that there’s nothing new for you, or it’s simply not working, you have 60 days to get your money back.

Buy It Now!


If you’re getting up for the fifth time at 4 in the morning to put your toddler back to bed for the umpteenth night in a row, you know exactly how frustrated and helpless a distressed, crying infant and constant lack of sleep can make you feel.

You love your baby, so you will have tried every trick you know to get them (and yourself!) the sleep you so desperately need. But if none of it is working, Baby Sleep Miracle is worth a try.

Written by a child psychiatrist with over 20 years of experience and herself a mother, Baby Sleep Miracle offers practical, actionable advice that you can apply immediately to get your toddler to start sleeping.

It will not get you results overnight. But if you’re willing to read the book and invest some time into applying the advice, you’ll all be getting decent sleep in a couple of weeks.

This invaluable book is written by a professional and based on cutting edge research, as well as her personal experience.

It also comes with helpful bonuses on dealing with your child’s nightmares, working with siblings, and soothing sleep sounds.

Can you really put a price on giving your toddler the sleep he so deserves and getting your life back?

I’ll let you be the judge. Post a comment and let me know what you think about it.

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