Barre Blend Review
Health,  Product Reviews

Barre Blend Review

It was last year, my daughter’s birthday, when I first started Barre Blend. I remember that morning well; she’d gone to school with her “Birthday Girl” crown on.

Me, on my day off of work, was ready to try a new fitness program. I drove down to the gym where the class was taking place and joined a group of other excited ladies. We were women of all ages, but mostly the class contained ladies aged 35 and up.

We performed the moves over a total of four weeks. I didn’t need to lose weight per se, as I am at a healthy weight, but I sure could use some toning. I’d also like to get into the growing muscle. Not looking for bodybuilding, necessarily, but definitely want something more than my “spaghetti arms” and “chicken legs.”

Most of the ladies lost a few lbs.; one woman even lost ten as she’d been following a strict but plentiful diet of whole foods.

The women were always happy to do the class; they felt stronger and even a bit more graceful as they attended our twice-weekly gatherings.

I’d say it was a wonderful intermediate exercise for people out there who are into working out and would like to do gentle but difficult movements.

The workouts contain lots of modifications, which I think is great for people that need them—namely, newcomers to the gym/the world of working out.

I definitely feel a little stronger, and I think my booty looks great, too. But was it everything I wanted? To be honest, no. But it’s not a bad program by any means, and I’d like to give you my full and honest review.

Barre Blend Review

It’s Tougher Than It Looks

I’ve always been an active person. In school, I played soccer; in college, I played Ultimate Frisbee, Broomball, and other pickup sports, and as an adult have maintained a gym membership.

So, I thought that when I got to this workout, it would be a piece of cake. I’d just do it for something different to do on my days off.

Indeed, some were pretty straightforward, and I built up nothing more than a light sweat. Other times, I’ve had to modify the heck out of the workout to get through it.

Remember when I said I have spaghetti arms? I am not joking. The push-ups and upper body stuff they have you do here is no joke!

Meanwhile, I’ve always been into running and jogging, so the lower body stuff was old hat to me. Your mileage will vary depending on your fitness level.

It’s Not Impossible to Do

I know yoga kind of has a reputation for being “out of reach,” or at least that’s how I see it when it comes to my friends.

They complain they don’t want to do it because they don’t feel like they have the body strength or flexibility. So, they miss out.

But that’s the point; you increase your flexibility the more you do yoga.

Barre is the same way. It helps you become more flexible. This is pretty accessible and helps you get into yoga by helping you become more balanced and assured of yourself when doing things like warrior pose or even simply standing on one foot.

Other Workouts Needed

Okay, here’s what got me: this wasn’t exactly a killer of a workout. By no means am I suggesting it was easy, but I actually ENJOY the sweat you get from working hard.

This is not the workout you might think of: the one where you step off the treadmill, a bib of sweat covering your shirt, your head spinning with the happiness of a job well done, and the need for water overriding all other desires.

Instead, you walk away feeling rather… elegant, but still like you did something. Sometimes you absolutely will sweat, but if you ladies and gents want a workout that gets you feeling like you really kicked some butt, I’d add on a quick treadmill run or quick jump rope session after the workout, or even beforehand.

I would NOT recommend this workout to replace all others. I did my class 2x a week, and on those days, I would supplement with running. The other three days of the week, I used the elliptical or recumbent bike.

I Didn’t Get My Muscle Mass >:(

Some of you might laugh because I know now that muscle mass requires me to eat right and do the right exercises. Now, ballerinas are BUILT. Take one look at those women, and yes, they are beautiful and graceful- but they’re also MUSCULAR.

I wanted some semblance of that, which is one reason why I opted to do the program.

Barre workouts are made to create muscles that are long, strong, and lean. You will improve your posture, and you will stand up straight.

But if you were looking to put on some muscle, this is not the way to go. As I said, I noticed an improvement in the booty, but nothing else, really.

Is It Good for Weight Loss?

Yes, so long as you’re following a healthy diet.  You cannot out-train a bad diet. I am fortunate that I have never struggled with my weight, but I know this is not the case for everybody, and I can sympathize with how hard it is to eat right and work out.

If you continue to eat processed foods, simple carbs, and drink sugar drinks, nothing’s going to change even if you did this four times a week.

If you eat clean, drink plenty of water, and stay in your TDEE range, you will likely see some improvement. Like I said, most ladies in my class lost about 5 lbs., which is reasonable and healthy.

You will definitely improve posture, and you will feel confident about that- so if anything, you will lose self-doubt!

Getting Results: My Take on It

So, to get results with Barre Blend, here’s what you need to do:

  • Create and stick to a clean eating plan (Barre Blend has a guide included)
  • Drink plenty of water and cut out sugary drinks
  • Work out at least 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week (whether you’re doing Barre Blend, running, swimming, biking, whatever).
  • Get advice from a healthcare professional or coach about ways to get the results you want- weight loss, muscle tone, flexibility, etc.

What Materials Do I Need?

Just some hand weights are all you need. My gym provided the neat little 3lb weights we used. However, you can definitely get yourself the weights by going here and keeping these handy little weights in your home for use with other workouts, not just Barre Blend.

For me, 3lbs was enough to make me huff and puff when we did have to do them. So, you have to choose what works best for you and issues you a real challenge but doesn’t make it impossible to complete.

Buy It Now!

Where Do You Buy Barre Blend?

The best place to get your Barre Blend fix is going to be by clicking here and going to the Beachbody Website.

Would You Do It Again?

The claims are kind of lofty; they say you could lose 9 lbs. in 14 days. That is NOT sustainable.

I don’t think I’d do this again. It’s not a bad workout, but it’s not my style. I am not against such workouts or the folks that do them, but it’s not what I was looking for.

I DID, however, find an AWESOME program that pleasantly surprised me. It’s called YogaBurn. And THIS is a program I loved so much; I ended up buying it to have on hand forever.

Check It Out

What is YogaBurn?

Yoga Burn

It is a 12-week program that is catered just to women. It’s awesome for helping you shrink the tummy and tone up, which I wanted to do. I also still desired to put on some muscle mass, which this program helped with.

The instructor, Zoe Bray Cotton, states that you should complete the three 45-minute classes each week. It will help speed up your results, she notes.

The classes are not just arranged willy-nilly. They are presented to you in a specific order and will deliver you the results you want.

You can even go at your own pace, which is fantastic because there were some moments at Barre Blend that we were all struggling a bit.

It’s broken into three phases. Let’s talk about it now.

Part 1- Foundational Flow

Here, you will build up the basics of yoga. You will learn how to boost flexibility and how to increase your metabolism the natural way!

You will learn plenty of basic yoga poses, and with the way, Zoe Bray Cotton teaches, you won’t have to worry about going so fast that you hurt yourself.

Part 2- Transitional Flow

I love, love, LOVE this phase of the program. Why? It really burns up the calories, but most important for my personal goals is that it helps you build muscle. It is a way for you to learn new poses, and you will definitely see more positive results in your flexibility and strength.

Part 3- Mastery Flow

It is the final part of the program and using what you’ve learned so far, you will be pushed to your limits in the right way. You will learn sequences very advanced in nature that take some folks YEARS to master if they ever do!

Does It Work?

Says Zoe, these phases are the reason behind the effectiveness of Yoga Burn.

Have you ever taken a yoga class? Did it seem very slow? It sure did for me.

This is because the instructor is just going through a routine he or she created. They are not building you up from the previous week.

This is why we never get results from yoga.

You have to progress and adapt as you make your way through a fitness journey or program. You have to change, even if you don’t want to.

Bodybuilders lift heavier. Runners go longer distances. Yogis build skills and keep doing so.

If you take an unstructured, twice-weekly class, that’s not going to happen! Meanwhile, the three structured phases of Yoga Burn are the way to go because they start at a level everyone can understand and learn.

Then, you take what you’ve learned and build on that. You increase your flexibility and strength significantly, and you can REALLY see the positive changes in your body as time moves forward (provided you’re eating well and doing the program regularly).

Check It Out

What Do You Get?

You get the physical copy of the program, plus a digital download. It’s great because I can take Yoga Burn with me outdoors on nice days, and when the winter hits, it’s a cinch to just do it indoors if I don’t feel like heading to the gym.

You get instant access to the digital version after buying the program, so you can get going immediately.

There are also some excellent free bonuses included, which you don’t get with Barre Blast. Let’s check it out now.

Yoga Burn

12 Week Body Shape Course

This is the three phases of practice. It also includes a QuickStart session and tutorials on how to complete all poses. There are nine workout clips in this part of the program, and you will do each of them four times before you go to the next phase.

Bonus 1: Yoga Burn Monthly – This is an extra set of DVDs that introduce you to new types of yoga you might not know about. For example, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Kundalini, and Hatha.

Bonus 2: Tranquility Flow- this helps you relieve stress. It’s great for your mind and well-being, but it is not the greatest in terms of calorie burn.

Bonus 3: Immersion- This is a fitness community just for women. It is your ticket to coaching sessions, a place to talk to others, and get support for your journey and get ideas for your workouts.

Another cool thing about the program is that you can get a second copy for $37. If you know someone who would really enjoy the program, it makes a great gift.

Program Benefits

Wondering why everybody’s crazy about Yoga Burn?

Here’s why:

  • Gets you results fast: You get maximum results you can see in the shortest time possible. You are always being challenged to go beyond your limits, which is the only way you will ever get any better or more toned. It is also designed to target tough spots for women, such as our arms, belly, and butts.
  • Yoga Burn can be done at home. It is such an excellent treat for yourself after the kids have gone to sleep, or when the kids are at school. You don’t have to drive all the way to the gym or yoga studio. You don’t need to worry about others judging you. You can just do it, make all the mistakes you want in private, and ENJOY yourself.
  • It’s just for women! If you have ever attended a yoga class, or even done one on YouTube, you notice that men and women are doing it. This is perfectly OK, but there are certain moves us women need to look our best, and Zoe Bray Cotton includes them all in this fantastic program.
  • It gets harder. Yes, you are going to be challenged. But you’re going to love it. It puts a stop to weight loss plateaus and forces the body to burn up extra calories. It’s a way to put on that muscle mass and tone, too.

Dynamic Sequencing Yoga

So, the reason this program works so well is because it is built around Dynamic Sequencing Yoga. What is this?

Zoe creates and executes workouts that are based upon improving your strength and flexibility. To make this happen, you have to do the correct poses, use correct sequences, and do it with good form and for the appropriate amount of time.

This is, in essence, what Dynamic Sequencing Yoga is- a series of yoga poses that are performed in a certain order, and that push you harder every time, leaving the body no choice but to adapt. It is a plateau buster and a shape creator.

This is why the course is broken down into three specific parts. There are also tutorial clips for each of the poses. Also, the program is crafted specifically to provide calorie burn.

Who Can Do Yoga Burn?

Technically, anyone can. But it’s designed just for women. Whether your goal is to lose some pounds, tone up, become more flexible or do all three, you can do it with Yoga Burn.

Dynamic Sequencing Yoga makes it perfect for total beginners and those that have experience. It’s all thanks to the program being able to adapt to your current abilities but also challenge you to get better as time goes on.

It doesn’t take hours and hours each day to see results. It’s best that you do three 45-minute classes over the course of the week. You might even want to incorporate Tranquility Flow, which is nice to do if you want something to practice on one of your days off.

Sample Program

Here’s what I did while I was doing Yoga Burn. This is just my personal schedule: no need to follow it exactly.

It was my way of getting results:

  • Monday: Foundational Flow Class 1
  • Tuesday: HIIT Workout
  • Wednesday: Foundational Flow Class 2
  • Thursday: HIIT workout
  • Friday: Foundational Flow Class 3
  • Saturday: Walking the dog
  • Sunday: Rest or I would do Tranquility Flow if I felt like it.

You do this for a total of three weeks before you move onto the second set of videos.

How Soon till I See Results?

Yoga Burn

It is a 12-week thing. The phases build up from the last one. As a result, you will see quick changes, or at the very least, you will certainly feel the difference.

It all depends on the individual taking the course; we are all different, so it’s only natural that some of us will see results fast whilst others may not see any for a few weeks.

Just keep at it, even if you don’t see it, you are benefiting your body in many ways. It helps increase metabolism, helps the immune system get strong, and helps you become more focused.

I cannot emphasize enough that you HAVE TO PUT IN THE WORK. This is not a one and done program. You will need to stick with the program at each phase, eat well, and try, try again if you fail.

You WILL see results, and it works better if you stick with it.

Pros and Cons

Let’s go over some pros and cons, so you get a fair look at Yoga Burn:


  • It’s not expensive, and there is a 60-day money-back guarantee.
  • The course can help boost metabolism, help you drop weight, and improve your mood.
  • You always feel challenged, regardless of your fitness level.
  • Each class is fun to do and non-intimidating
  • It’s given to you in physical and digital format, so you can take it anywhere.


  • If you are super advanced in yoga, this is going to be too easy for you.
  • It is NOT a 45-minute class as you get in real life- it is a video 15 minutes in length that you repeat three times total. It’s kind of repetitive.

Click to Read On!

Wrapping It Up

I was pleasantly surprised at how great Yoga Burn was. The poses, instructor, and format are so much fun to follow. I liked that it is just for women, too. It really helps us as females get the shape we desire!

I had a lot of fun doing it, and it’s always there for me when I’m ready to do it again. Barre Blend is also for sale to do at home, but it is far more expensive than Yoga Burn.

Remember, Barre Blend isn’t bad by any means. It just didn’t have what I wanted. Yoga Burn was a lot more my style. So, go give it a try if you want a fun workout that really challenges you.

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