Benefits Of Being A Single Mom
Guides,  Parenting

Benefits Of Being A Single Mom

“Oh! Are you a single mother?” It must be so grueling to manage the responsibilities on your own?!

“So, there’s no man in the house?” That’s such a shame. We can’t even imagine running our homes without our partners.

These are a few of the most usual and unexceptional questions single mothers have to answer. The society has low expectations from single mothers. The expectations set an even lower bar in the eyes of society if those single moms have jobs.

Who’re we to judge any woman’s life choices?! We are women; we are stronger and capable mothers regardless of a man.

Being a single mom comes with its privileges. In a way, single moms have to play the role of both parents without sharing the responsibilities with anyone else. Another plus is the child doesn’t have to choose favorites!

Now, who wouldn’t want to be the favorite parent?! Once this article is over, you’ll get to see several benefits of being a single mom, and if you think otherwise, you’ll leave with a new perspective.

Benefits of Being A Single Mom

Here’s a look at several benefits of being a single mom:

The Bond with Your Children

A strong bond with your kids is the biggest and probably the only perk that matters. There’s no breaking that bond.

Your family is your team. And this team is happy with their coach, their mother. Every day is a special day for you and your children. The one-on-one time is guaranteed.

You have secrets and funny anecdotes that nobody else knows. It’s like having your secret committee.

The bedtime routine is like a small family ritual, whether it’s telling stories to five-year-olds and tucking them in or having a bowl of ice cream with your seventeen-year-olds while they tell you about their crushes.

Making cute-looking sandwiches or cooking dinner along with your children is a blessing.

Your movie nights are not like a standard and boring movie theatre. You ensure that your kids get the best of entertainment at home with full participation from your side.

All these joyous occasions are between you and your children with no external interference.

Your role as a mother will always be an epitome of love and never-ending support for your children because they consider you to be their pillar of strength.

You Are in Charge

Another perk of being a single mom is that you get to make all decisions for the betterment of your children. Whether it’s deciding which school to enroll them in or which after school activities they participate. You’re the boss.

You don’t have to compromise anywhere or with anyone. You can raise your children in the ways you find best suited for them.

If you want to have breakfast for dinner once a week or spend a whole day in pajamas, there’s no stopping you. If you want to go away for the weekend to explore new places or just sit on the couch and have an in-house picnic, you’re free to.

You can even build a fort inside the house and have slumber parties. Oh! It sounds so much fun. The freedom and flexibility you get as a single mom is a cherry on top of the myriad of benefits associated with it.

And let’s not forget you get to decide who does what household chores. After all, you do have to teach sharing responsibilities to your children.

Whether your son is going to bake cupcakes for tea or your daughter is on vacuum duty, your team is ready for life.

A Zone of Motivation

As a single mom, you know the struggles well. Having to take on the responsibility of your job and your children while maintaining your household isn’t an easy job.

Nobody is as motivated as a single mom who’s trying to provide the best for her kids.

The secret to this motivation is that you have to make it work because there’s nobody to fall back on. You also don’t want the needless criticism from society just because you’re a single mom.

You can set your goals, break all cliches, and smash all boundaries to become a powerhouse of success for your kids and yourself.

You don’t need to be the man of the house when you’re the woman of the house.

Growing up, when your kids watch your struggle, they’ll know their learning is sturdy and steadfast.

Whether you stay up all night baking cupcakes for your daughter’s bake sale or stitching your son’s Halloween costume, your motivation is going to be your partner.

Your success story can be a motivation for all the single moms out there, and another perk is being a higher up in your personal single moms’ club.

You’re the Catalyst

“Your son’s so helpful.” “Your daughter is such a kind human.” You should be proud of your teachings.

Since you’re single-handedly raising your kids, you deserve the bragging rights to their humble and quality attributes.

Whenever you get complimented on your children’s qualities, know that it’s you who’s been successful in getting them there.

Someone may even criticize you over something your child did. Take that into stride and make your children overcome those negatives. That’s your strength.

Every small step or every milestone your children reach, you’re the catalyst that motivated and prepared them.

Along with being proud of your children’s achievements, you can also be proud of yours. You did the job of two people with immense success.

You have another chance to prove that you don’t need a man to turn your children into a success story.

You’re Empowered

It may not feel so important to everyone out there, but when you fix the porch swing for your daughter with the tools you never knew how to use, that’s a whole new feeling.

Or when you coach your son’s soccer team and imbibe them with team spirit by breaking the conventional shackles of society, believe that you’re doing a great job.

You can easily handle anything life throws at you.

You can learn more in mere months of being a single mom. The dual role of being a father and a mother can toughen you up.

You can be a nurturing mom while also playing the role of a fun-loving yet steady dad. You get the best of both worlds.

It feels empowering that you can do all the things for your children, and you don’t need a man to solve your issues. You can be yourself and live your life however you want. There’s nobody to define the way.

You know what you want, and you know how to get it.

New Friends

Women aren’t born with the knowledge of motherhood. So aren’t single moms. Contrary to popular beliefs, there’s a significant difference between a mom and a single mom.

You may not know how to fix a loose wire, how to play catch, or even cook. A load of responsibilities is more on a single mom.

A group of people who’re in the same situation as you can go a long way in your journey of being a single mom.

You can always join online groups that cater to single moms like you. You can speak to single moms or single dads and learn new things.

These groups discuss troubles at home, daily routines, new recipes, and whatnot.

You gain new knowledge; you can help other single moms. But most of all, you make new friends that relate to your situation.

You can even meet single moms in your residential community or through your local school’s programs.

Single moms can understand each other’s pressures and responsibilities, and this friendship is necessary for psychological support.

Some other benefits include:

  • Your children are well-equipped to manage their lives.
  • You have somewhat of a friendship with your kids.
  • You get priority on the daycare lists.
  • You can extend your maternity leave.
  • If your job allows, you can work part-time to spend more time with your children.
  • You don’t have any expectations since there’s no man in the picture.
  • You don’t have to rely on anybody else to make decisions.
  • You’re the boss of your house.
  • You have the last say in all family decisions.
  • Your children come to you for love and support.

These are a few of the countless benefits that a single mom can enjoy. Being a single mom doesn’t mean that you have to stop your life. You just need to change your perspective towards it.

Let’s have a look at a few cons of being a single mom:

  • All the pressure is on you.
  • You may not be able to relate to your children as a father.
  • It may take a lot of time to get the household under control.
  • You may even have financial troubles.

Wait, There’s More

Benefits of Being A Single Mom

As a parent, you want your child to have the best of everything available. You look for the best pre-schools, the best residential zones, and even the best clothes.

You make elaborate and detailed plans for your child’s future the day they are born. Once you’re a parent, your perspective streamlines towards the betterment of your child.

Schooling and a reliable education system are the foundation for your children’s future. The teachers have their part to play, and you have yours.

You can always enroll your children in extracurricular activities and educational programs that can benefit them, along with a concrete schooling system.

The Children Learning Reading program is a great way to strengthen your children’s confidence with reading and unlock their full potential. Isn’t every parent’s dream, after all, to see their children succeed in life?

Check It Out


All you single moms out there, you’re doing a great job. Your experience is yours, and it’s one to learn.

Being a single mom sure does have its pros and cons. But when you’re striving towards making your children rise each step and shine in life, even the cons can turn beneficial.

Single motherhood may look scary, and it sure is, but nothing beats the extra love and support that single moms are ready to provide their kids.

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