Best Books for Beginning Readers

Best Books For Beginning Readers

If your kid is just learning how to read, it’s important to find the right books that fulfill their needs. This means looking for books for beginning readers that are simple and easy to read.

There are many books in the market meant for kids in preschool, kindergarten, or early grade school.

I’ll give you a list of 7 books that you can get today to kick-start or boost your child’s reading journey. These are fun books that use engaging stories and expressive illustrations to pass their message across while improving reading skills.

Whether your kid is learning their first words or having reading difficulties, the books in this list can help them become more fluent and confident readers.

#1  The Adventures of Otto Collector’s Set

 Written by David Milgrim, The Adventures of Otto series is a fun and adventurous read that’ll have your kids hooked.

In this collectors set, find the following six titles:

      • See Otto
      • Swing Otto Swing!
      • See Pip Point
      • Go, Otto, Go!
      • Otto, Ride!
      • See Santa Nap

In each of these stories, readers go on an adventure with Otto the robot as he explores earth. The series starts with Otto’s crash landing on earth, where he embarks on various adventures with his animal friends.

In Go, Otto, Go, he thinks about going back to his home that he left behind. In See Santa Nap, he and his friends make it hard for a tired Santa to get rest after delivering Christmas gifts.

These books contain compelling stories that are bound to grab the attention of kids in preschool or kindergarten. They’re easy readers with just the right level of difficulty for kids who are just learning to read.

Narration here is in the form of a few words put together in an easy-to-decode pattern that’s perfect for total reading beginners.

If you’re looking for a book that can encourage your preschooler to build confidence reading without help, this set is an ideal one.

The illustrations in these books are expressive and fun, made to grab a little one’s attention. If your kid already has a liking for robots, this is a perfect book series to get them reading as soon as possible.

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#2  There’s No Place Like Space

 There’s No Place Like Space allows young kids to learn reading while discovering more about our solar system.

This book is part of the Cat in the Hat Learning Library, which has a total of 39 books.

The book contains characters such as Cat in the Hat, Thing One, Thing Two, Sally, and Dick. Readers follow along as these fun characters go on a wild trip to explore the solar system.

This is a book that, through rhyming, can teach your kid basic phonetics and build their love for reading.

It’s especially suitable for kids who have a budding interest in astronomy. They’ll learn basic concepts about the natural world as they discover more about the planets, constellations, and other exciting things that exist in space.

This type of topic can also make kids more curious about the world around them and inspire them to read more books.

This book was written by Tish Rabe, an author who has penned more than 170+ kids’ books.

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#3   Oh, The Things You Can Do That Are Good For You

Another book in the Cat in the Hat Learning Library, this one helps little kids to learn reading while teaching them the importance of healthy living.

If you’re looking to help your kid develop reading skills while instilling in them healthy habits, this can be a great option.

In the book, young readers are taken to a Seussian Spa by the Cat in the Hat, and this is where they learn the basics of leading a healthy life.

The cat explains the importance of daily practices such as eating healthy food, getting adequate sleep, brushing and flossing, staying active, and washing hands.

These are all activities that you have to teach your kids as a parent. But, as we know, they don’t always remember to do them, and many times, they’re not willing to.

So, if you’ve been having a hard time encouraging your kid to eat their vegetables or go to bed early, the Cat in The Hat can come to your rescue.

This book is the perfect package of fun and educational, providing a refreshing way for kids to learn good habits.

In addition to the story going on in the Seussian Spa, the updated version of this book contains 16 pages of bonus material to enrich the experience for both kids and parents.

Kids get fun suggestions on how to stay active during the day, while parents get 8 recipes for kid-friendly healthy meals.

This book is suitable for 5-8 year old kids who are beginning readers.

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#4   Bake, Mice, Bake

Do your kids have an interest in baking? If so, Bake, Mice, Bake by Eric Seltzer is a great book to get them reading.

This is part of the Penguin Young Readers Level 1 series that caters to kindergarten and grade 1 kids.

The story revolves around the Cakes and More bakeshop, run by mice. It starts with them waking up in the morning to go and open shop.

The narration that utilizes rhyming words takes young kids through all the activities that the mice go through to bake cakes.

These rhyming words are fun to read and are bound to make the story more entertaining to kids.

This story also includes other characters, including frog, dog, cat, and rat, who come to buy cakes at the shop.

The use of simple words and short sentences makes this book ideal for kids whore just learning how to read. The topic is also fun, which means your kid will find the book enjoyable.

Another thing that makes Bake, Mice, Bake a great reader for beginners is the sweet illustrations.

They’re detailed and show the mice as they go through the various motions of waking up, opening up shop, baking, and serving their customers.

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#5   Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late!

This is another installment in the Don’t Let the Pigeon series by New York Times best-selling author Mo Willems.

Suitable for kids in kindergarten through to grade 2, this story is about a quirky pigeon who doesn’t want to go to sleep on time – sounds like your little one?

This is a story that’s relatable to both kids and parents, and that’s what makes it enjoyable for you and your little one.

The Pigeon has a lot of excuses to give as to why he wants to stay awake past bedtime, but he should not be allowed to stay up late!

This book allows you and your kid to take up roles as you read out the parts of each character. Kids have fun replying “no!” to the pigeon’s requests to stay up late when they take the role of the audience.

The exciting storyline is one of the best things about this book. Kids are likely to be entertained by the pigeon who they can so easily relate to.

Don’t Let the Pigeon is one of the beginner readers series of books that has the power to capture the entire family and entertain them. You may buy this for your little one who’s just beginning to read, but you might also find your older kids – and yourself – enjoying the read!

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#6   David Gets in Trouble

David Gets in Trouble by David Shannon is another beginning reader’s book that has a lot of educational value.

By reading this book, your little one will learn to read simple words and sentences alongside an important life lesson.

David the character is a little boy who causes trouble all over the place but refuses to take responsibility. Each time he does something wrong, he claims it was an accident or that he didn’t mean to do it.

He provides good excuses for every disaster in his wake and denies being at fault when he clearly is responsible for the mistake.

Along the way, David realizes that making excuses for his mistakes only makes him feel bad. Eventually, he chooses to accept fault and apologize since saying sorry makes him feel better.

If your kid has a habit similar to David’s, this story can help you teach them the importance of taking responsibility for one’s actions.

The story is presented in a lighthearted manner that’ll have both you and your little one laughing along to David’s mischief.

By the time your little one is through with this read, they’ll be better readers. They’ll also know that the best thing to do after doing something wrong is taking responsibility and apologizing.

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#7  Llama Llama Time to Share

This book is a part of the Llama Llama series that has 37 books. Written by Anne Dewdney, it’s ideal for beginner readers between the ages of 2-5.

Besides teaching your kid to recognize words and read more fluently, this story also touches on the importance of sharing.

Llama, the main character, has new neighbors, and their daughter Nelly Gnu comes along for a playdate.

He has a lot of toys that they can play with, but he isn’t sure that he should let Gnu play with all of them. Especially not his most cherished, the Fuzzy Llama!

When Gnu starts playing with Fuzzy Llama, Llama refuses to let her. What follows is a scuffle in which both tug at the doll.

Fuzzy Llama’s arm breaks off in the process, and none of them get to play with her. Llama’s mama comes along and mends the broken toy, but gives the two playmates a condition.

Unless they agree to share toys, they cannot play with Fuzzy Llama. Llama and Gnu finally overcome their argument and settle down to play together, sharing all of the toys.

This story is portrayed through rhyming text that makes it enjoyable to read out loud. The illustrations are large and bright enough to grab a child’s attention.

It’s a story that can teach young ones important conflict resolution skills and encourage them to share their things with others.

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As you can see, there are several books for beginning readers that can grab your kid’s attention and grow their love for reading.

The books in this list use simple, easy-to-read words and short sentences that don’t present a tough challenge to your little one. This makes it easy for them to learn and thereby builds their self-confidence.

There are also many educational themes and moral lessons incorporated in each of these stories, which can make parenting a bit easier for you.

Before purchasing one, consider the reading level of your kid and the things that they’re most interested in. For instance, if your kid loves robots and you get the story about Otto the Robot, they’ll be motivated to read often!

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