Best Books For Single Moms
Guides,  Product Reviews

Best Books For Single Moms

Hey ladies. It’s the time when we’re giving you a new article focused solely on the powerful and dynamic single moms. Get into your most comfortable pajamas, brew a nice cuppa, relax on the couch, and read through this review.

Today’s article focuses on Best Books for Single Moms. Now some of you may find it boring and dull. But that’s the beauty of this article. You don’t have to read the actual book to leave it in the middle and curse yourself for wasting time.

I’m going to list down several of the most supreme-quality and worthwhile books for single moms. Each book’s review is going to be unbiased and honest so that you learn something from what you’re going to read.

What’s a book going to do for you?

There’s not a single human on this planet who’s not asked this question before. “What’s a book going to do for me?”

And you don’t have to be the exception AT ALL. In a time of overflowing technology, books have become the understudy. But single moms go through a lot of emotional and physical stress. You need all the help you can get.

You may be a single mom with double the responsibilities, but that doesn’t mean you can’t steal small moments of leisure for yourself. After all, if you take a good book with you to bed, it won’t snore!

Without rerouting any more, sit back and take a look at the review.

#1  Untamed

Untamed is a pathbreaker of a book written by the immensely talented Ms. Glennon Doyle. The same Glennon Doyle, who’s responsible for giving the world, Love Warrior.

Untamed is a memoir that portrays the story of a woman’s learning through self-love and womanhood.

The fundamental of the book puts forth that a responsible mother isn’t one who dies a slow death for her children, but one who teaches them the true meaning of life, to live fully.

The bestselling book is full of insight and awareness about what it’s to be a woman and mother today.

Through this book, Glennon Doyle advocates how your life successfully transforms once you stop striving to meet others’ expectations. Untamed is an exploration of the peace and happiness you discover when you let go of the shackles of society.

Untamed intends to liberate women spiritually, consciously, and emotionally. This book allows you to test your boundaries as a single woman and mother.

This book teaches you how to find yourself from under the debris of societal pressures, taboos, and stress.

Glennon Doyle states that every woman possesses an inside voice that teaches them to be exceptional in every aspect of life. A daughter, sister, wife, and mother.

Most women spend their lives trying to achieve what this voice asks of them. Instead, they end up miserable, and a single failure causes them to break down.

All these feelings are so overwhelming and overpowering that you die down under their wrath. You end up asking yourself, “Is this what life’s supposed to be?”

You hasten to bury these doubts and questions, grateful for what you have, and continue to live your life never fully content.

Untamed strives to break down the barriers women have built over years of disappointment, unfulfilled expectations, and discontentment.

Untamed teaches you not to abandon yourself but instead abandon what others expect of you.

You have to quit being exceptional to experience freedom.

Is this book helpful?

Untamed contains the necessary aspects that every woman needs to understand and fully gauge. Women live a life with a surplus of struggle and almost always kill their wants.

If there are words written to pull you out from underwater, hold onto them.

  • Unwanted will let you empower yourself to accept your womanhood.
  • You’ll be free from societal expectations and the rules they’ve set for you.

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#2  Strong Mothers Strong Sons

 Strong Mothers Strong Sons is the brainchild of Dr. Meg Meeker, a pediatrician and adolescent counselor by profession.

This book is an empowering feature which contains jewels of practical advice for mothers on how to nurture their sons. It allows mothers to prepare themselves and alter their mindset to benefit the growth of their sons.

Dr. Meg Meeker, through her book, puts forth the several tendencies of adolescent boys. The book contains practices for mothers on how to improve the mother-son relationship.

Today, boys undergo strenuous and challenging situations that can take a toll on them and their mothers. The guidance young boys require can turn into an overwhelming burden on their mothers.

Strong Mothers Strong Sons offers a roadmap to assist mothers in finding their strengths and power to raise dependable and good-charactered sons.

The book provides experiences, encouragement, and practical advice about several notions that build a strong foundation for boys. It instills in the mothers’ discipline to be courageous and bold about directing their sons.

You can learn about the crucial role mothers play in expressing care and concern to their sons in healthy ways. It teaches your sons to respect women as they grow up.

The book enables mothers to educate their sons about the importance and necessity of hard work, team spirit, and community service. You’re able to get them to appreciate the things they possess.

Strong Mothers Strong Sons not only caters to the mother-son relationship but also envisions a life for mothers as women. It helps you heal in ways that allow you to raise your son without any constraints and shortcomings.

You can also perceive the role you have to play as a father in your son’s life. There are some things a mother-son relationship cannot comprehend, and that’s the role of a father.

The book empowers you to relate to your son’s needs with the aspect of a father-figure. You create more openness towards sharing your life where you’re the father as well.

You reflect on the ways you communicate with your son. Whether its a soccer match or trouble with friends, you know that your son requires a particular tone when it comes to different situations.

The book prepares you to become an authoritative figure when you have to be. Boys tend to answer back, and that’s where authority comes in.

You also learn how to tackle difficult situations or reckless behavior from your son. You analyze and then communicate to make your son realize a different moral from every day of his life.

Strong Mothers Strong Sons is like a pre-written journal. You know that you want to raise your son with self-awareness, discipline, and wisdom, among other necessary teachings.

Is this book helpful?

Strong Mothers Strong Sons is a godsend for single mothers. You get to understand that the smallest gesture towards your son can go a long way in shaping his persona.

  • The book empowers you to strengthen the bond with your son.
  • You reflect on your parenting ways and make the necessary changes if required.

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#3  Cat and Nat’s Mom Truths

 Cat and Nat’s Mom Truths display embarrassing and honest advice on the struggles that come along with motherhood.

Best friends Catherine and Natalie take you on a journey which shows that you’re not alone. Every mother in the world goes through funny and tear-jerking situations that almost always has a simple solution.

This book enlightens you and shares the truth that nobody will tell you about having children. Mom Truths is like a prep-guide for mothers.

You get access to information such as what not to eat after giving birth, how to deal with postpartum depression and the reality of being a mother. The motto of Mom Truths is that you’re in for the ride of your life.

Mom Truths is a mixture of humor, advice, and memoir. Through this book, Cat and Nat share their respective experience of sleep deprivation, meal preps, and the never-ending laundry.

This book is the real deal. There’s no glamor or makeup, but only the washed up and tired experience of mothers all over the world.

You’ll experience the non-Instagram worthy stories from mothers who are slowly being overpowered by the late-night feeding, the smelly diaper changes, and the messy house. Let’s not forget the things you find in your hair!

The best thing about this book is that you get to learn about motherhood from pregnancy to the years beyond in the most humorous and witty way possible. Every single page consists of “pulling your hair out” and “Oh god” stories, but with a comfort-inducing ending.

The book gives out the most honest advice. The kind of advice you receive from drunk women, hence you know it’s not full of lies.

It tells you what you need in the hospital at the time of the delivery. Some women think it’s lip balm or hand cream, but in reality, it’s a trash bag.

Let’s come to cooking. If you think that everything needs to be soy-free and gluten-free, just throw the cookbooks away.

Ladies, you’re doing a great job as is. Your kids can consume dairy and soy in their diet unless they’re allergic to it.

Whether you believe in the ridiculous notion of sugar-free baking or running after your kids to get them to finish their milk, you’re a mom. You’ll always make the right choices for your kids.

Mother Truths is a necessary companion for all the single moms who just want to let their hair loose, sit on the couch with a glass of wine in one hand and this book in another. Get ready to laugh and cry at the same time!

Is this book helpful?

Oh! God yes. Mom Truths is like having a permanent drunk aunt as your conscience. The kind that gives sane advice even when drunk. But in a more fun way.

  • You become a part of a community of moms from all over the world who’s in worse situations.
  • You get to enjoy some well-deserving “me-time.”

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#4  How to Talk, So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk

 It’s supposed to be your “Oh! So children do come with an instruction manual” moment. No, this book isn’t crazy talk.

Ms. Adele Faber and Ms. Elaine Mazlish have come up with the most extensively researched manual on how to deal with children. The two authors state that this book is most useful for single moms.

The classic guide contains insight and advice from the authors, along with several methods to resolve the simplest of problems. You’ll also learn the secret to building a foundation for a healthy relationship with your children.

It puts forth innovative and new techniques to get your children to understand the meaning of discipline, responsibility, and wisdom. Consider the book to be Yoda from the Star Wars Universe, a sensible and trustworthy guide.

Once you start reading the book, you’ll learn how to get along with your children’s negative thoughts and feelings. You’ll be able to tackle their sadness, disappointment, and frustration is the most adult way possible.

The book empowers you to express your feelings to your children without sounding hurtful or insensitive and allows your children to reciprocate in the same way.

Setting limits for and with your children is a necessary aspect of motherhood. The authors of this book have passed down their advice and mechanisms that helped them with their children many years ago.

It also educates you on how to get your child to cooperate with the tasks you’ve assigned to them. The book even tells you to listen to your children if they want to express anything.

The book is a great way to find out alternatives to punishing your child. One of the main highlights for single moms is to be careful when disciplining their kids as any harsh word or punishment may cause a crack in the relationship with the kids.

You don’t want your kids to resent you. Single moms need to be smart and quick on their feet and always tread the waters slowly.

The book tends to be most useful in resolving conflicts within your relationship. You get to learn from professionals and real-time experiences that cater to the needs of mothers and their children as a unit.

Is this book helpful?

If you want your child to have a strong foundation and a healthy relationship with you, this book is your go-to.

  • This book is a great way to open communication with your children.
  • The book allows you to teach freedom of expression to your children.

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#5  Mom and Me Cookbook

 Annabel Karmel has come up with the most fun ways and recipes to enjoy cooking along with your children. The book is child-friendly with easy to follow recipes.

It teaches kids the fun of being in a kitchen and encourages them to be more involved with you by their side.

The cookbook also promotes healthy eating habits for young kids who develop a taste for greens and vegetables from a young age. After all, kids do tend to follow what’s written in a book.

The book contains several recipes of sweet and savory foods. It’s a fun way for your kids to develop hobbies and enjoy their time with you.

An added advantage is the bonding time you get with your children. You can teach them the basics of cooking while sharing stories and developing a necessary life skill.

An enjoyable way for single moms to be more involved with their kids is to hold dinner nights where the children help prepare the food or English tea parties where you can indulge in sweet cupcakes and croissants.

You don’t have to be a professional chef to teach your kids how to cook. Imagine you’re baking small cupcakes and the amount of fun your family can have.

You can have a flour fight or lick the whipping cream off your fingers. You can even make new designs with the frosting.

The cookbook ensures mothers get to enjoy with their children as much as they can, without having to compromise on enjoyment.

Children tend to imprint habits from a young age. The cookbook is solely responsible for instilling a healthy habit in your children.

As a single mom, you endure the double the number of responsibilities and pressure. If there’s a way to strengthen the bond with your children, you should take it upon yourself to go through with it.

Is this book helpful?

You’re allowing your kids to learn a necessary life skill along with loads of bonding time. It’s a pleasant combination for mothers and children.

  • You empower your kids to take care of themselves.
  • The book instills healthy food habits.

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#6  The Kickass Single Mom

 The book by author Emma Johson is a guide to achieve financial independence and a successful career as a single mother. The book is the real-life experience of Emma Johson, who had to endure life’s worth of struggle to achieve success.

It teaches you to accept yourself as you are and embrace the joy of being a single mother.

Emma states that as a single mom, you don’t have to partake in the whims and advice of a man and raise your child the way you want to.

The author points out several career choices that are safe for single moms and provide excellent financial security.

Just because your situation puts you solely responsible for a child doesn’t mean that your life as a single woman is over. You may be a single mom, but your renewed single womanhood is just approaching.

The book teaches you to build a new life from scratch. It may seem scary but living on your terms is a whole new feeling.

Your new life permits you to find new hobbies, explore your tastes, and find new relationships.

It empowers you to become a part of a community of single moms that are pillars of support and strength for their children. You get to learn a plethora of life skills and character-enhancing techniques.

As a single mom, you don’t have to choose between parental and financial responsibilities. You choose to reject the needless societal notions that a stay-at-home mom is more nurturing than a working mom.

You choose to be financially independent for the sake of yourself and your children. You’re not dependent on any man to bring home the dough.

The book enables you to strive to achieve those goals that you’d tossed in the “not worth it anymore” pile. Your kids are your strength, and you can achieve anything.

Emma sets a stage for single mothers to find love again. Every woman is entitled to companionship regardless of her role in life.

The book promotes safe dating habits for single moms who can incorporate responsible and reliable men into their lives and their children’s.

Is this book helpful?

As a single mom, your life revolves around your children and the responsibilities you have. The Kickass Single Mom is one of the best books to learn empowerment and acceptance.

  • You learn how to become financially independent and stable.
  • You develop a can-do attitude.

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Being a single mom doesn’t define you. You may be a single mom, but you’re still a woman.

You need to be the best version of yourself and bring out the guns for the betterment of your children. Don’t let society prove itself to be better than you.

Make use of resources such as articles and books to adapt to the changing behavior of your children.

As a mother, your judgment is the personality of your children. If your children succeed to become reliable and worthy humans, you’ve done your job well.

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