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Best Phones for Pre-Teens

Does my baby really need a phone? Well, he’s not a baby…he’s almost a teenager. I mean he’s taller than you and his feet are bigger. It’s time to figure out the Best Phones for Pre-Teens.  I don’t want to be me a helicopter mom, but I also am not ready to give him the entire digital world at his fingertips. What’s my best compromise as he enters his pre-teen years?

  1. LG Classic Flip through TracFone

What I love about this first option is the price and the plans and the features (or lack thereof).  This is a classic phone very similar to what we had as teens.  You can call people….You can text people…You can even take pictures. There are ways to surf the internet or check emails on this phone, but they are not nearly as convenient as a smartphone (and may even be considered frustrating), so there will be less likely to be used by your curious pre-teen.  This little phone is locked to one carrier, called TracFone, but there are several reasonably priced pre-paid plans without a contract.  So for these reasons, the LG Classic starts off our list of Best Phones for Pre-Teens.

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  1. Nokia 3310 3G

Next up on this list is the Nokia 3310 3G. This classic style phone is similar to LG Flip in that it limits the features provided.  Calling and texting are no brainers but additionally this little phone comes in several colors and provides game on its color screen.  Unlike our first choice, the Nokia 3110 3G has been unlocked so you can choose the service provider to your liking. Also, this little phone is way less expensive so it’s nice for the Pre-Teen learning responsibility.

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  1. ZTE Cymbal

Rounding out our list for Best Phones for Pre-Teens is the ZTE Cymbal. This is a genuine no frills phone perfect for staying connected to your Pre-Teen while saving you the stress of worrying about social media. The ZTE Cymbal has calling and text of course, but includes a camera to capture a few memories. It does still have Bluetooth so it can connect to a Bluetooth enabled car.  This phone is compatible with Verizon services and can be connected to through one of their prepaid plans.

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OK! Wrap it up Mom!

There comes a point for each of us where we have to acknowledge our kids are growing up.  We don’t want them to move on but we can’t stop them either.  As my son begins seeking more independence and more responsibility, I find myself asking How do I help him with this in this new world. I don’t want to be me a helicopter mom, but I also am not ready to give him the entire digital world at his fingertips. I think phones like these Best Phones for Pre-Teens are the perfect compromise.


Your little one not ready for a phone? Check out Best Tablet For Toddlers.

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