Children Learning Reading
Education,  Product Reviews

Children Learning Reading Review

It’s a joy hearing your child say ‘mama,’ and you’ll be the proudest parent on earth watching your little one take their first few teetering steps.

But as parents, we focus on progress, and one of the most important things is teaching your child how to read.

Reading is a hot topic, and we all want our kids to be super, early readers. But how to do it, right?

Most of us just don’t know where to start and how to go about it, so the child sees it as fun, and we’re not stressed out of our minds either.

Today I’ll be taking an in-depth program on teaching any toddler that has started to speak how to read, even one as young as 2 years old.

We’ll see exactly what this program has to offer, how much it costs, and if it’s really worth it.

I Really Wanted to Teach My 3-year-old to Read

I am a single mum with a little girl. Unfortunately, we don’t have any kindergartens around. You could tell she wanted to be doing more and learning things, but I just didn’t have anywhere she could go.

Of course, I wanted my little girl to start learning stuff, but I had no clue where or how to start.

Children Learning Reading

After doing some initial research on child development, I realized what I had to do was teach her how to read.

But what was the best approach? I knew NOTHING about how many or what type of methods there were to teach your child to read, and I was feeling helpless and lost.

I Learned That Phonetics Was the Smartest Way To Do It

The whole word approach has been commonly used in the past to teach kids how to read. The child is learning to recognize the word from its written form instead of sounding it out.

This method is sometimes referred to as sight-reading. But it may not be the best for your toddler because it asks him to memorize a lot of word shapes instead of focusing on understanding individual letters and sounds.

The phonetics method teaches your child to break words down into sounds, then sounds into letters, and eventually combine letters into words.

Phonetics may be slow in the beginning, but most children become fluent very quickly. Toddlers will usually find this approach easier, and if you get it right, both you and your child will enjoy the process!

But I Still Didn’t Know Exactly How to Go About It

Okay. So I had figured out that I wanted to teach my little girl how to read phonetically. But I still had no clue how to actually do it.

So it was back online to search for materials, explanations, and ideas. The theory seemed simple enough, but it was not so easy working out the practical part.

Children Learning Reading

We saw several expensive, branded programs that claimed to teach toddlers how to read.

But after looking at the product info and people’s reviews, I’d quickly realize that they either used the whole-word approach or offered little more than the free resources you can easily get online.

Then I took my daughter to a monthly playgroup in the nearest town, and the teacher told me about Children Learning Reading.

She said it was designed for parents that didn’t have any experience but wanted to teach their kids how to read.

She told me it wasn’t just a phonics guide, but a complete method you could follow to teach your child how to read at home.

I was very skeptical of all things online, but I decided to give it a try, and here’s how it worked for me and my daughter.

What is Children Learning Reading All About?

Children Learning Reading is a complete program to teach your child how to read using phonics. Pretty much any child that has started speaking can be taught how to read using this program.

How Does It Work?

Once you’ve decided you want to teach your child how to read, you have a goal, and that’s half the battle won. But unless you have a background in education, you probably have no idea how to do it, and you’ll be full of questions.

Not to worry. The program is designed to teach you as much as your child.

I never learned phonics as a kid, so I had to learn them myself first. I really appreciated the audio clips with the correct pronunciations for all the letter sounds.

The program comes with pdf guides explaining why early reading is important and how it can help your child develop and where you as the parent come into the picture.

There are also guides to explain what to do and why, so you go into it with a much better understanding of the principles involved.

How is Children Learning Reading Presented?

The program is broken down into clear, logical sections.

Each lesson flows into the next, and learning activities are broken down into short chunks of 10-15 minutes that accommodate both your child’s short learning span AND your busy schedule.

  • The program is divided into two stages, covering a total of 50 lessons; 28 lessons in stage 1, and 22 lessons in stage 2.
  • The first stage is relatively simple and covers the foundations. From sounds and the alphabet, the lessons will progress to learning more complicated words, sentences, and even rhymes.
  • Stage 2 builds on top of stage 1. It introduces letter combinations and features more advanced letters, words, and rhymes.

Pros of Children Learning Reading

Teaching your kid how to read can be a daunting experience.

You know it’s important, and you want your kid to get the hang of it. But you don’t want to stress him out and leave a negative association with reading in his mind.

children learning reading

This program approaches things in a way designed to be fun and stress-free for both child and parent.

  • Excellent intro in the main book that explains the steps involved in helping your child learn how to read
  • Everything is spelled out in easy-to-follow, step-by-step lessons
  • The lessons are short to match the attention span of the child
  • Great for both beginner learners and those with reading difficulties
  • Audio clips give the correct pronunciation for each letter and letter combo, so you don’t have to worry about teaching your kid wrong stuff
  • The program is much cheaper than many other branded baby reading programs, yet very effective
  • The premium package is still affordable but comes with pre-designed printouts to cut and use in your lessons
  • Everything is downloadable. Save on shipping costs and time
  • You get a no-questions-asked, 60-day money-back guarantee.

Cons of Children Learning Reading

  • Consistency and daily hands-on involvement are a must as a parent if you expect your child to make progress. Now, I’m not saying spending time with your kid is bad. But it can be hard to get everything to fit into your schedule.
  • The program is very well put together but can get a bit too mechanical. You may have to add some games of your own and lots of children’s books to keep your child’s interest going.

Who Is This Program For?

This phonics-based reading program is designed to work for toddlers from 2 -6 years of age. If yours has started speaking early, you can even start before that.

It’s a great do-it-yourself tool for any parent that wants to teach their child how to read at home.

So if you’re like me and simply don’t have access to a kindergarten, or you just prefer to keep your little one at home a little bit longer, this program can help you teach your kid how to read in a fun, stress-free way.

Children Learning Reading Is For You If:

  • You want to teach your child how to read at home
  • Your child is struggling with reading in grade school, and you want to help
  • You’re prepared to spend time regularly with your child and put some effort into the process
  • Your child goes to daycare and loves learning, but wants to do more
  • Your child hasn’t yet started speaking: you can start with developing phonemic awareness

Children Learning Reading

The program is NOT for you if:

  • You’re not prepared to spend time with your child on a daily basis and be involved in the teaching process
  • You expect to slip a DVD into your computer and have your child sit and watch while you get to do something else
  • Your child has some other learning disability that requires a different approach

Does Children Learning Reading Really Work?

Just take a look at the dozens of reviews that happy parents have left on the product’s page, or the many independent reviews online, including some from qualified teachers.

People have shared success stories with their toddlers at home, and there are many from folks whose children had reading problems until they used this method.

What I can share with you is my personal experience. Given the money-back guarantee, I decided to buy the premium program, downloaded everything, and settled down to read the materials through and learn.

I had gotten up to speed by the evening of the next day. I watched the videos and printed out some of the lesson materials that came with the package.

When we started out, my daughter only knew the ABC song, and couldn’t read a single letter or word. The whole learning experience was very new for her, so it took her a few days to warm up to it.

But even with my total lack of experience with teaching anyone anything, I had her reading her first children’s books after just 4 months.

Granted, my girl started talking really early, and she’s a very willing learner. And every child is unique, so not everyone will learn at the same pace.

But the program is very well structured and has great flow, so any child should be able to enjoy the whole experience and pick up pretty quickly.

Is This Program Right For You? Where Can You Buy It?

Simply put, this program is the right fit for you if you’d like to teach your child how to read, but you don’t know how or where to start.

children learning reading

Yes, there are several free resources online. But they leave a lot of information out. At best, they tell you what to teach, but not the why, and little of the how.

Children Learning Reading explains what should be taught, why, and how, and is laid out step by step. All you have to do is follow the instructions.

That, and commit yourself to spend some quality time teaching your child every single day. This program requires your active involvement as a parent for it to work.

Children Learning Reading is sold through Clickbank, one of the world’s largest digital retailers. It’s a big company with a solid rep, so you can be sure you’ll get decent customer service and a full refund if you feel the program isn’t worth it.

Check It Out


Teaching your child how to read is something many parents would love to do, but the question is usually where to start and how to go about it. Most of us feel that we don’t have the necessary skills or experience.

Children Learning Reading is a phonics-based reading program built on long-term, solid research by a parent dedicated to teaching his young children how to read.

He shares his success and methodology in a clear, easy-to-learn format, and even shows you videos of his program in action.

The price is more than fair, and hundreds of parents have turned their tots into early readers using this program. It has also worked really well for grade school children with reading difficulties.

I tried it, and both I and my daughter loved it. Have you given teaching your kids how to read a shot? Post your comments and share your experiences with me.


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