Unique Gifts for Kids
Gift Guides,  Guides

Unique Gifts for Kids

Some kids have everything! So what am I supposed to get them?! It can sometimes be hard to find an interesting and unique gifts for kids that seem to have all the stuff they need and an abundance of toys. Whether birthday, Christmas, or other important event, we want to give them something that will stand out from the ground, be something they will appreciate, and actually be use a lot.

In this case, the type of gift you want is something that will get them active or being creative and enjoying their friends and family.  When I think of such a gift, I think of things that should challenge my kids in a fun and interesting way or gifts that have entertainment value beyond what you get from first-time use. I don’t look so much to the popular techy gifts for this kid, but to gifts that will help them create memories, get them thinking or get their creativity flowing.

With that in mind, today, I want to share with you some of my own gift ideas that even kids who have everything are sure to appreciate long after they receive them.


OH to be young and agile again! One of my favorite past times as a kid was climbing trees. It didn’t matter where I was or if I was wearing a dress, if the branches were low enough, up I went. I would sit in this one tree in my grandmother’s back yard, making up stories and imagining what life could be like.

Of course, not all trees are created equally and not all have low enough branches to safely scale. An awesome tree climbing kit is the great equalizer, allowing kids hours of fun strengthening their young bodies and minds while increasing their confidence. Supervision is highly recommended.

This Topnew Ninja Tree Climbing kit comes with 12 climbing holds, 6 ratchet sets, and supports up to 230 pounds. So perhaps even a grown-up kid could relive some of those memories too.

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As many people say, the best kind of gift is the one that keeps on giving. And if you’re looking for an infinitely-giving gift for your kids, why not a magazine subscription?

There are tons of different kids magazines out there, from nature magazines to science and tech magazines and sports magazines. You have National Geographic Kids, Sports Illustrated Kids, Time Magazine for Kids, and so on.

Many of these magazines are available as electronic Kindle versions, but ideally, you want to look for something that’s available in print. Obviously, a Kindle version takes up less space and doesn’t use any paper, but there’s just something a little more special about receiving a physical magazine addressed to you each month, and I’m sure your kids would agree.

Getting a new magazine to read each month is a fun surprise that your kids will be sure to enjoy for many months or even years on end. And best of all, they’ll be reading on their own and improving their reading skills without any extra effort from you.

Plus, most kids’ magazines contain plenty of fun crafts and activities to do, so even if your child isn’t the most capable reader, they will still be able to find plenty of things to enjoy in a good magazine.

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A creative life is an amplified life (Elizabeth Gilbert). If your child is interested at all in coloring, drawing, or creating, then a starter art kit makes for a perfect gift.  Provide your child with the tools and time needed to exercise their imagination and let their creativity come to life on paper.  This particular art set contains a remarkable 175 pieces, including crayons, acrylic paints, color pencils, 3×8-well palettes, drawing pencils, Page Drawing Pad, Acrylic Pad and much more all wrapped up in a very nice wooden case. Add in a How to Draw for Kids book and a How to Paint for Kids book and they will have everything necessary to get started.  See what worlds they bring to life when you unleash their imagination.

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Kids getting antsy or couped up? Tired of all the cousins sitting next to each other on devices? Get your kids, their friends, and cousins all outside playing an actively strategic game of Capture the Flag. Hey! Even the parents and grandparents can join in!

Divide into teams and gear up with glow in the dark wristbands. Set up your space with territory markers and place your jail wisely. Strategically place your glowing flag where the enemy will have a tough time snagging it. Then let the games begin. The family will have an amazing time sneaking around each other, breaking team members out of jail and racing to the first to grab the flag from the opposing side.

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No doubt you’re familiar with Audible, Amazon’s service that provides access to thousands of audiobooks and podcasts. But were you aware that Audible also has a huge selection of audiobooks just for kids?

If your child loves being read to, but you don’t have the time to indulge them as much as you’d like, then why not get them a subscription to Audible? Through Audible, you can find audiobook versions of tons of popular kids’ books, such as The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, the Magic Tree House series, and the various works of Roald Dahl, among many others.

If your kids are older, then you can probably just give them access to any device with Audible on it and let them browse content for themselves, but if they’re younger, then you may want to pre-purchase some suitable audiobooks and have them downloaded onto your kids’ phones or tablets in advance.

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Another unique and interesting way to explore your child’s hidden artistic potential is through gardening.  These fun gardening kits allow your child to learn a bit of science, a bit of math, but mostly a lot of fun and creativity.  Besides learning to plant and grow Marigold, Zinia Alyssum, Cosmos, and Morning Glory  flowers, this Growing Kit also includes Arts & Crafts materials so they may uniquely design their pots. By giving your kids a Flower Garden Kit, you are also giving them a chance to learning new skills while having fun and creating.

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If you’re looking for a gift for your kids that will really provide long-lasting entertainment value, then why not get them something that they can enjoy together with the rest of the family?

There are plenty of great games out there that kids of all ages (as well as adults) can have fun with. You, of course, have your classics like Monopoly, Jenga, and Trivial Pursuit, but you also have games like Kids Against Maturity (a kid-friendly version of Cards Against Humanity) and Beat That!, a game where you and your family attempt to complete a series of zany challenges in order to score points.

Then there is Exploding Kittens, which is a household favorite for my kids! This card game has family fun bundled into hilarious cards.  Essentially, each player draws cards…some good, some bad, and some helpful (like the peek into the future by rubbing a pig-a-corn’s belly) …until someone draws the exploding kitten and dies…unless they have the ever-essential laser pointer or cat therapy card. Yup. It’s great!

Then there is my personal favorite to play with my kids and parents…Utter Nonsense Family Edition. This seriously simple game has us rolling on the floor laughing as we try our best to read ridiculous phrases in even more ridiculous accents.

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If you really want to make the most out of your new games, pull the whole family into the merriment by hosting family game night! This dedicated time will be something your kids will always look forward to, and it will help motivate your kids to actually make use of whatever fun board games they have.


You might be stressing out when it comes to finding a gift for your kids that you know they’ll enjoy, but don’t worry; even if your child is the type who “has everything,” there are still plenty of options for gifts that your kids will find useful or engaging.

Now that you’ve read these gift suggestions, I hope I’ve been able to help you take some of the guesswork out of figuring out what to get your own kids for birthdays or holidays!

For more ideas, see Gifts for Young Scientists and Engineers and Techy Gifts for Teens and Tweens.

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