Make Money

Super Easy and High Paying Side Hustles for Single Moms (2021)

As a mom, if you want to make some money on the side, it is important to figure out the best high paying side hustles for you. Some of the best options to choose include:

Start a Blog

Writing a blog is a great way to make sure that you are able to do something that you like, help out others, and make money in the process. It does take some time to set them up ahead of time, but once it gets going, you can earn a good amount of money.

Step 1: Choose Your Niche

There are hundreds of thousands of blogs out there. It is important to find a niche that is not talked about that much and can get more readers in. Find a way that you can help out others and provide valuable information to others.

Step 2: Get to Writing

Once you have your niche down, it is time to get to writing. You will need to write quite a bit before you get anyone to the page. No one is going to show up on a page with just one or two articles. This is a good time to get a writing schedule down. Even when your page grows, your readers will expect regular content so starting this early can make life easier.

Step 3: Pick a Domain Name and Website

You will need to pick out a domain name and website for your readers to work with when they want to reach you. These will often cost a few dollars, but that can make it easier for you to do SEO later.

Step 4: Post Your Articles

As the articles get done, you need to post them on the website. You can post right when. You get done. Or you can choose to write a bunch of them and then have them scheduled to post throughout the week.

Step 5: Look Into SEO

SEO is important. It helps you to rank high when a potential reader is searching for your topic. You can use Google and other options to make this easier. Your goal is to be ranked in one of the top spots on the search engine page. 

Step 6: Watch Your Readership Grow

As you work on SEO and writing articles, you can see your readership grow. Continue to write high-quality articles to bring more readers in.

Step 7: Start Affiliate Marketing

Once you have enough readers, you can start with affiliate marketing. You can do this with ads along the page or even write sponsored posts. Then, when a reader clicks on the link for that product, they can choose to make a purchase. When a purchase is made, you can earn a commission on that sale.

Do Your Own Freelance Writing

Freelance writing can be a very lucrative way to make money on the side, especially if you know what you are doing. Whether you want to work with eBooks, SEO, or another type of writing, you will find that there are a ton of things that you are able to write for your customers. Some of the steps that you should use to make this happen include:

Step 1: Create Some Samples

The first step to work on here is creating a few of your own samples. This is meant to show your clients what you are able to do with your writing. Think about the niche that you would like to use and write a few articles in that niche. This will give you something to show to potential clients later on if they ask for something. You can build up a better portfolio later as you take on more projects.

Step 2: Find Writing Jobs

With a few samples in hand, it is time to get to work finding the writing jobs you want. You can look all over, including on Freelancer.com, Crowd Content, UpWork, Hirewriters, and even though some local companies to find the writing jobs that you would like. Not all of them will provide the pay you would like so make sure to shop around to find jobs that are worth your time.

Step 3: Set Your Rates

Pick the right rates when you do freelance writing. Explore what the going rate is for someone in your field and for the niche that you want to handle. This will help you decide which projects are worth it for you as you get the work done.

Step 4: Build Your Portfolio

As you accept jobs and make your business grow, you can start to hold onto those and use them in your portfolio. Remember that since someone paid you for the work, you are not able to sell those articles again and make more money on them. But most clients will not mind you using the articles as samples later on. The more variety you can have in your portfolio, the easier it is for you to bring in the clients you would like.

Become a Proofreader

Companies like to work with proofreaders to ensure the data they send out is accurate and they will not be embarrassed by some easy mistake in the writing. A good proofreader can be paid well for their work. If you are looking to make money with your sharp grammar skills, there are a lot of options to choose here as well. Some of the steps you can take to become a professional proofreader includes:

Step 1: Make Some Samples

A good way to help you get started with turning yourself into a proofreader is to make some samples. There are different ways to do this. You can have a sample of bad writing and then have it next to your edits for someone else to look at it for example, This makes it a little bit easier for others to see what you can do.

Step 2: Apply for Jobs

After you make a few samples, it is time to go through and apply for the different jobs that you need. Look around to figure out what options and jobs are open at the time through the different freelance sites available. Make sure to put up a profile on all the pages you would like to use and list your rates so others are able to reach out to you for jobs as well.

Step 3: Take Your Time. 

When you get work, it is easy to get excited and try to rush through the projects. But you want to provide the very best proofreading service to your clients possible. Take your time and pick out all the mistakes that are there.

Tutor Online

Another thing to consider if you would like to make money on the side as a mom is to tutor online. This can help out so many students who need a little extra assistance with one or more of their subjects in school. As more parents are looking at homeschooling or looking to home learning of some kind, this tutoring is going to become more in demand.

Step 1: Pick Your Subject

The first thing to get done if you want to become a tutor is pick what subject you would like to work with. Most tutors will focus on one or two subjects because this helps them not get overwhelmed and makes them more of a specialist. What are the subjects you would like to teach for others?

Step 2: Brush Up On Your Skills

If it has been a little bit of time since you got time to work on any of the subjects, then it is time to brush up on some of your skills. Make sure that you know what you are doing with them and then it is time to get started with your work.

Step 3: Apply for Online Tutor Sites

Many tutors decide to get started with an online tutor site. This allows you to be connected with some of the different students who need help already. The pay can be a little bit lower because some of it has to go to the site that is hosting you. But it makes it easy to find some of the students you want to work with and still makes good money while providing you with a chance to pick your own hours.

Step 4: Provide After School Help

If you do not want to use an online site, then you may need to consider offering help after school to children in the area. You can do it during the week when school is over or on the weekend. This makes it possible to make money while helping kids in your own community who need help with school.

Flip Some Junk

Do you love spending time going to garage sales or going through online sites to find good deals? Do you like to go and fix up all of these items and see if you can make them better than before? Would you like to be able to do all of this and make money too? Then flipping items may be the right choice for you.

Step 1: Do Your Research

Before you purchase anything, it is important to have a good idea of how much you can get out of each item. You do not want to make a purchase and find out that you made too much and will not be able to make any money off. You need to know how much an item goes for regularly and have a good idea what any repairs would do to it ahead of time. This way you will only pick out items that will be profitable.

Step 2: Go Shopping

After some shopping and preparing, it is time to hit the door and see if you can get some shopping done. Whether you decide to go to an auction, a thrift store, or hit up some garage sales, there are plenty of locations where you can get the junk that others want to throw out and turn it into a profit. Bring along some money to help with this to make things easier and be ready to walk away if a deal is not as good as you would like.

Step 3: Fix Up the Item

In most cases, you will need to do something with the item in order to get it prepared. Whether that includes fixing up some part that is broken or adding some paint, you will need to make the item look better than before. If you found a really good deal, the work will not take long and you will then be able to relist that item and make some kind of profit on it.

Step 4: Resell

After the item is all set up and done, it is time to resell it. Hopefully you are able to list it for higher than what you purchased it and for more than you put into fixing it up. This will work out if you did your research before. Consider where you would like to sell the item. You can use your local swap site along with Amazon or your own website depending on how you want to get this done.

Virtual Assistant

If you have some computer skills or have worked as a receptionist in the past, then you may be able to take on a side hustle of being a virtual assistant.

You will need to be good at multitasking and getting things done for this one to work. But there are plenty of companies who need the help!

Step 1: Pick Your Specialty

It is generally a good idea to pick your specialty ahead of time. There are a ton of things that a virtual assistant can do and if you do not cut down and pick your own specialty to make this easier. Choose what kinds of services you would like to offer before you jump in.

Step 2: Pick Your Hours

While you are getting set up, decide what hours you are able to work. This will make a difference on what projects you can do.

For example, some companies want you to work from 8 to 5 each day. If you can only work during the afternoon or at night, then these jobs will not work. Choose your hours ahead of time so you can only pick jobs that work with this.

Step 3: Get the Right Software

Depending on the type of work you plan to do, you may need to download some special software to get this going. This could be a special call center software, software that helps with things like organizing paperwork, or another option that the customer wants you to work with. Talk with your potential clients to see what they would like you to have to complete the job.

Step 4: Provide Good Customer Service

Good customer service is going to be important when you work with your customers online. A virtual assistant is still going to be the face of a business, even though they will do the work at home rather than in the office.

Whether you answer emails, get some work done for the company, or answer phone calls, you need to make sure that you are providing the best customer service possible.

Social Media Expert

Many companies are looking for help with their social media accounts. This will help them interact with their customers and learn more about what products are going to do well and what needs to be improved. If you are good at working on social media, this may be the right site for you.

Step 1: Pick the Website You Will Offer Services For

The first step is to pick out which website you would like to offer your services for. There are a lot of different types of social media platforms out there and it is often best to pick one or two that you would like to specialize on.

Trying to do it all will make it difficult to get the clients that you would like to work with. Facebook is a popular option, but if you want to work in a niche market, you could consider some of the other options.

Step 2: Advertise Your Skills

Once you have chosen the website or social media platform that you would like to work with, it is time to advertise some of your skills more.

You need to let businesses know that you plan to work as a social media professional. Post your rates and get some of your own social media presence ready to go. If you are not able to promote yourself well, it is hard to do it for others.

Step 3: Create Campaigns for Clients

The more services that you are able to provide to your clients, the better it is for your business to grow. Will you help them get a campaign going to bring more people into their website to make purchases?

Will you work to create a campaign that will get more customers to interact with a page? Will you help work on the social media page and give them more posts, interactions, or something else?

Let your customers know what you are willing to provide, and then discuss what their specific needs are for that project.

Step 4: Interact On Their Page

It is likely that you will need to spend some time focusing on the social media page with the customer. Whether this is about posting new information on the page in an interesting way or you need to spend time answering chats and responding to posts, it is important that the page stays active and you do not forget to keep up on it.

Sell On Etsy

Selling on Etsy is a good way to make sure that your products do well and you can make a little money. Etsy is the perfect shop to sell anything that is homemade and crafty so if you have something unique to offer to others, this is the place to go.

Step 1: Pick What to Sell

The first step is to pick what you want to sell to the customer. Think about something that is unique or that you can make quickly if your shop takes off. You need to be able to stand out from the crowd. The more unique you can make your items and the more they stand out, the easier it is to sell and make a profit.

Step 2: Create a Profile

Once you know what you want to make, it is time to create your own seller profile for Etsy. This does not have to take a lot of time. But describing some about your business and the products you want to sell can make it easier for you to be found. Add some business pictures as well.

Step 3: Fill in the Description

Now it is time to fill in the description for what you would like to sell. Write what the product is about and describe it, thinking about the questions a potential customer would have before they make the purchase. Let them know what, if any, customizations, are allowed, and the pricing. Add as many pictures as possible to showcase your work.

Step 4: Make the Product

As you start to get those orders, you need to make the product and get it shipped out. Try to have a few made ahead of time to make this a little easier and to speed things up. Come up with a schedule of how you can do these and figure out how quickly you can get the work done.

Step 5: Ship it Off

Once the product is designed, it is time to send it off. You can send a note to ask for a review or something special with the product to help you stand out from the crowd. 

Data Entry

Another job that you can consider is data entry. Companies need help organizing their products and entering information online. If you have the time and a good eye for details, this may be the right choice for you.

Step 1: Set Up the Business

Look around in your local area and see what you need to start a business. Some areas allow you to work as a sole proprietor and you can file taxes on your individual tax return. Others like you to set up a business entity and have all of that organized. Look into the rules and do that before you get started.

Step 2: Consider a Business Email and Bank Account

To keep your business income separate from everything else, you may want to have your own business email and bank account. This will also make things easier when you need to file taxes at the end of the year.

Step 3: Search for Jobs

Now that you are all set up, you need to start searching for the right jobs for you. You can contact local businesses or look online on sites like Freelancer, UpWork and Indeed to find one that will work for you.

Step 4: Pick Your Rate

There are a lot of different rates that you can get for the work. The good companies pay based on how much work you actually need to do. But some will try to get a deal and will not pay that much. Look for options that will pay what you are worth.


Many companies need help balancing their records and getting ready when it is tax time. Being a bookkeeper allows you to help with this while choosing your own hours. With a little bit of certification, you can do something that a lot of companies need help with.

Step 1: Get the Right Training

For some, this is a certificate. For others it is getting a college degree in accounting or something similar. And for others, it is on the job trained. Whichever you choose, it is important to understand how this works so you can work for your clients.

Step 2: Get the Software

To do your bookkeeping well, you need to have the right software to get all of the work done. There are several good bookkeeping software programs to use. Research what is used best in the industry you would like to work in and learn how to use that.

Step 3: Find Clients

Advertise your services. There are online options that can help line you up with a job. Or you can use word of mouth to reach your clients around town. Have your rates set ahead of time so you can use that in the advertising.


Dropshipping is a unique way to earn money by selling products someone else makes. You are the front of the business, purchasing these items from a manufacturer at a discount and then selling them for a little bit higher price on Amazon or your own website. To get started.

Step 1: Decide On What Product to Sell

The hardest part of starting this business is choosing the right product to sell. The cheap items will sell faster, but they cost so little that you will not make a lot of profit on them. The higher ticket items will not sell as many, but you can make more off each item. Pick an item that interests you and use that as the right product to sell.

Step 2: Decide Where to Sell

Many who get into this business decision to sell on Amazon as a way to make extra money. If you want to just test the waters, this is a good place to start. However, there is a lot of competition on Amazon so many who want to turn this into a side hustle will take the time to start their own website.

Your own website can put more money in your pocket, but you will need to spend some more money upfront to advertise your website. Once things get up and running well, dropshipping can be easily done from your own website.

Step 3: List the Products

Now that you have the right product and have decided where to sell, it is time to list the product. This listing should come with a full description to explain the product as well as a competitive price.

Pick a price that lines up with market standards. If you market too high, you will never make a sale. But if you market too low on the price, customers will assume something is wrong with the product and won’t purchase. Make sure to include a lot of pictures with the product as well.

Step 4: Ships Products When Ordered

You need to get into some kind of schedule on how to do this so you won’t spend all day on the computer. But it is still important to send off the items as quickly as possible. This gets the item there on time and can improve your customer satisfaction. Pick an hour or so each day where you can sit down and ship everything out at once.

Step 5: Maintain Good Customer Service

You are the face of the business as a drop-shipper. If something goes wrong, that is on you, not on the company that makes the product. This is why you need to choose the right type of products.

If you get too many bad reviews because the company does something wrong or the product does not work, it can ruin your whole business. provide courteous service, ship the items off right away, and answer emails and questions in a timely manner.


As a mom, it is important for you to find ways to make some extra money on the side, without having to work longer hours or worry about not being there for your kids when they need you the most. Thanks to our modern world, there are a lot of great things that you can do from the comfort of your own home while still bringing in some money. Check out some of the ideas above and see which one is right for you.

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