How To Be A Single Mom Of 2
Guides,  Parenting

How To Be A Single Mom Of 2

The one fact about life is that we are constantly being thrown curveballs that throw us into new and uncomfortable territory. And sometimes that means we moms are left on our own with not just one, but 2 kids.

Of course, there’s nothing to regret because these wonderful kids are the reasons why we keep going and living. That doesn’t make it any easier to deal with.

To make things easier for those that are now with 2 kids, here are some ideas to help them out.

Remember That You Are Not Alone

This tip is the most important that I can give any mother that has been left on her own to suddenly take care of 2 babies on her own. When it comes to being a single mom, you are far from being alone.

Find your support corner and revel in it because without support, this gets a whole lot harder than it already is. You can find support in a large number of places.

Even if you cannot find that support in your family and friends, there’s a whole network of single moms on the internet and in-person that you can reach out to. We are here to help each other out.

As single moms, we are each a Wonder Woman in our own right, and it’s in our code to not let any of us fail. If you’re struggling for advice or need a place to rant, reach out to your support corner.

Don’t Just Take Care of Your Kids But Also Yourself

Life gets hectic when you’re trying to support you and your 2 kids all by yourself. These darlings are your whole life, and it’s up to you to give them the best life possible.

It means that you can get so wrapped up in making sure they are well taken care of that you forget to take care of yourself. Don’t forget to eat, rest, and take some time to yourself whenever you can.

What I try to do is make sure I get at least one night out a month to unwind with my girlfriends. Plan it in advance so you can have childcare set up and make sure you have the day of or the following day scheduled off work.

Once a month may not seem like too much, but when you spend all your time working your butt off or raising your kids on your own, that one night out can do so much. Who knew you could miss adult interaction without kids around so much until you witness it again!

Rest Is Your Best Friend

How to Be A Single Mom of 2

If you don’t get enough sleep, then the struggle to get through life just becomes a lot more hectic, so you want to be sure that you are getting enough sleep. Your mental health and kids will thank you for it when your mood isn’t so sour due to lack of sleep.

It can seem like a crazy idea, especially if one of your kids is an infant that struggles to sleep at night. Others have that fortune of having someone to help with the baby when they won’t sleep, but we are not so fortunate.

If your baby is having trouble sleeping at night and causing you to lose out on some seriously needed sleep, I recommend this video here. It seems too good to be true, but there are incredibly easy methods you can implement on helping your baby to sleep throughout the night.

When you’re able to sleep better because your baby is, you’ll wake up feeling more energized and ready to tackle the day. You can thank me later, first, get out there and take on the world.

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Budget, Budget, Budget!

You’re by yourself, and you need to feed a family of 3 on only your wages. You could be lucky with a nice paying job, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t budget and have a nice-sized savings account.

Have your meals planned out before going grocery shopping so that you limit the amount of money you are throwing away on junk food? Set an amount aside for every month that you can use on free-spending and don’t go past it, no matter what.

Remember to say no whenever your children beg for something that isn’t in the original shopping plans. You’d be amazed at how much you can save if you stop buying them every small toy and candy bar that they ask for.

There are apps out there for the busy, single mom to help with your budgeting and ensuring that you don’t go over it. It can be a pain when you first start, but after a short while, it’ll be like breathing air. The best part: you won’t be flat broke!

Resist Eating Out

I get it, you come home from work, and all you want to do is sit down and forget about the rest of the day. But you have to remember, Super Woman, there’s no one else around to help make sure dinner gets put onto the table.

It will often lead to just eating out or having food delivered. Every once in a while is perfectly fine, but that gets super expensive after a while. Remember, we are supposed to be budgeting!

It is another area where having meals pre-planned comes in handy. If you know you’re going to be working a long day, have an easy dinner planned for when you get home.

It’s not an ideal meal, but there’s no shame in tossing some chicken nuggets and French fries in the oven when you’ve been at work all day. An even better option is to make use of that crockpot you have stowed away.

Nothing tastes better than a hot, already cooked meal when you get home from a long day. It’s even better knowing that it’s there because you cooked it.

Set Your Bills For Autopay

With today’s technology, you can easily put your bills onto autopay so that when the time comes for them to be due, they are paid straight away. After all, it’s easy to forget when a bill is due, and then you get on added late fees because you were too busy to remember otherwise.

Ensuring that your bills are paid is just as important as feeding your kids. Bills keep phones on for communication, electricity on for a basic living, and a roof over our heads for shelter.

The best part is that even if you have autopay on, you can do payments in between the bills on certain ones that you know the amount before the due date. Pay little by little throughout the month, and then you don’t have a chunk taken out of your bank account all at the same time.

Autopay is also an excellent way to help your budget and savings. By knowing exactly when the money is going to take out, you know to leave the money in your bank alone, and it keeps you from spending unnecessary funds.

Enjoy Family Time

Raising your kids is more than just putting a roof over their heads and food in their bellies, and I know that it can be rough to fit in quality time with those youngsters when you’re at work all the time. But these kids love their mommy, and you need to remember to show them your love with quality time.

The younger your kids are, the more important that this is. You want to show them that their mother is more than just a working machine, after all.

Infants and toddlers are especially dependent on your, for one, and two, they are at the age where their brains are soaking up incredible amounts of information. So, even though the movie and cuddle time is fantastic, remember to play with them and encourage them to learn how to read.

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How to Be A Single Mom of 2

No matter the reason behind why you are now pulling the load of two parents all by yourself, you are now the star of the show. Sometimes it will be hard, but you just need to remember that those two beautiful kids of yours need you to stay strong.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help and advice at times that everything is getting rough. You are not alone in this, and you can find ways to help make your life easier on every corner of the internet; you just need to go seeking it.

Money and working are incredibly important as a single mom, but so is remembering that even though you are a superhero, you are still human. Taking care of yourself and spending time with your kids is just as important as bringing home money.

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