Independent Single Mom Quotes

Independent Single Mom Quotes

There’s no doubt about it; parenting is hard. But doing it alone can be even harder.

There’s an ever-rising number of single-parent families, and the majority of these single parents are mothers. This doesn’t stop many single moms feeling alone and overworked.

Being the only parent in a family means that the whole responsibility falls on you; the responsibility to work hard and provide for yourself and your children, the housework and cooking, the discipline, and the constant, every-day care your children need.

It can be exhausting, and some mothers feel that even though they’re working themselves to the bone, it still isn’t good enough. Even the strongest, most independent single mothers can feel low at times.

Sometimes, you just need the motivation to continue. Remember, as a single mother, you are absolutely not alone. In fact, you’re in good company.

“I have time for everything I had time for before. I just have an added amazing thing in my life.”

– January Jones

Being a single mother is often treated like some kind of huge sacrifice. The underlying idea is that you’re giving up everything, and you’ll never have fun again.

This isn’t true. Sure, parenthood takes time and energy. But you don’t have to give up your whole life. But now, you’re just sharing your life with someone extra.

“It’s difficult, but far from impossible, and we smile more than we cry.”

– Regina King

Nothing is impossible. Being a single mother won’t be easy. There will be challenges, and at times you might feel overwhelmed.

When this happens – and it will – take some time out to think about your blessings. The more difficult times you overcome, the more challenges you deal with, the more your confidence will grow. Problems that might have seemed insurmountable not too long ago might suddenly become manageable.

This is because you’re growing as a person.

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“It’s the only way of life I’ve known. I was raised by a single mom.”

– Padma Lakshmi

Remember that your children are watching you. Children are like sponges; they absorb everything. They look to their parents as role models, and a single mother, all eyes are on you.

It might seem a little bit intimidating but think of this quote. Think of what an amazing impression Padma Lakshmi’s mother made on her. We all want to be our children’s hero, and nothing makes a more lasting impression on a young child than seeing how strong and independent their mother is.

“Nothing you do for children is ever wasted.”

– Garrison Keillor

We might sometimes lose sight of why we’re doing this, why we’re working so hard, round the clock, to provide a good life for our children. A single mother might come home from work, tired, only to find that her children want to spend time with her. She loves them, but she’s so tired.

Even though she’s tired, she spends valuable quality time with her children.

Nothing you do for children is wasted. Your children see what you do, more than you think. They will remember what you’ve done for them when they grow up.

“Just because I am a single mother doesn’t mean I cannot be a success.”

– Yvonne Kaloki

This links us back to the idea that being a single mother equals nonstop sacrifice. The idea that motherhood means an end to hopes, dreams, and success is a dangerous one. Is that idea really going to foster love in a family? Might it not cause resentment later?

There are so many ways to make a success of yourself. The obvious obstacle for a single mom is time. One idea that provides flexibility and scope for imagination and creativity is starting a blog.

Blogs are ever popular these days. If you can think of a subject, there’s a blog online about it. But aside from being fun and creative, blogs can be very profitable. There might be a subject that especially interests you, and you’d like to write about, or maybe you just want to chronicle your journey as a single mother – those kinds of blogs are very popular because it’s a relatable subject.

You might wonder about how to get started on a mom blog. Fear not; it’s easy. Creating the blog itself is fairly simple, even for someone with little to no technical knowledge. Once the blog is created and you’ve picked a domain name, all that’s left to do is for you to write your articles!

Independent Single Mom Quotes


“I think moms, single or not, put a lot of pressure on ourselves trying to balance it all. It’s NEVER going to be perfectly balanced—the sooner you know this, the sooner you can relieve some of the pressure you put on yourself.”

– Denise Richards

You don’t need to be perfect. In fact, you won’t be, so don’t try. No parent is perfect, and single moms have a lot to juggle all by themselves. Mistakes will be made.

Perfection isn’t necessarily the key to success. Worrying too much about being perfect, however, is a good way to fail. Putting too much pressure on yourself isn’t good for you, and it won’t help those around you. Don’t focus too much on where you feel you fall short. Focus instead on what you’re doing well on your successes.

“As a single mum, you’ll discover inner strengths and capabilities you never knew you had.”

– Emma-Louise Smith

You might have grown up hearing the phrase, “you won’t know until you’ve tried it.” It’s normally used to encourage a child to try some new food or eat their vegetables. But it can also apply to us in our lives – we won’t know we’re capable of something until we’ve done it.

Being a single mother offers unique and difficult challenges. In the beginning, we might feel that we can’t do it. But once you’ve overcome a few problems and passed a few milestones, you might find that you have an inner strength that you didn’t know you had, and that you’re capable of so much more than you thought.

“Being raised by a single mother, I learned to appreciate and value independent women.”

– Kenny Conley

Never underestimate the effect you have on your children. As kids, our parents are our heroes. If Mom is taking care of the family all by herself, she’s a superhero.

Your children may learn a lifelong lesson about how important it is to be strong and independent. Some parents spend endless hours, time, and effort in trying to teach their children these lessons. Some don’t succeed. But you might be able to teach your children by simply living your life.

“Being a single parent is not a life full of struggles, but a journey for the strong.”

– Meg Lowrey

Being a single mom doesn’t mean you have sacrificed everything. You might need to give up some things, depending on your circumstances. But it will be more rewarding than you could ever imagine.

One particular benefit you’ll find in yourself – in who you become. Adversity makes us stronger, and each challenge you successfully overcome will help you with future problems. You can even learn valuable lessons from the mistakes that you’ve made.

“Being a working mother and a working single parent instills in you a sense of determination.”

– Felicity Jones

As a single parent, you learn to be independent and self-sufficient. Knowing that you need to take care of your family can give you an extra boost, a kind of determination.

You can do it, and you will.

“Single moms: You are a doctor, a teacher, a nurse, a maid, a cook, a referee, a heroine, a provider, a defender, a protector, a true superwoman. Wear your cape proudly.”

– Mandy Hale

All parents are superheroes to their children. It’s almost a shock when a child finally realizes that their parents do not, in fact, know everything.

A single mom becomes everything her children might need. Why? Because she loves them, and love is the most powerful force in the universe.


“A single mom tries when things are hard. She never gives up. She believes in her family, even when things are tough. She knows that above all things, a mother’s love is more than enough.”

– Deniece Williams

Never forget the motivation behind your hard work. If you need to make sacrifices, keep focused on why you’re making the sacrifices instead of what you’re giving up. You’re doing it for your family, and they will never forget it.

All quotes are taken from Check out the full article here.


So, keep it up. Being a single mom carries a lot of challenges, and there are some things you might have to give up. But isn’t it worth it for your family?

It’s vital to stay positive. Remember that each challenge you face is a learning opportunity and being a single mom doesn’t mean you can’t be successful.

You don’t need to be perfect. Perfection isn’t attainable and isn’t a guarantee after all. The best thing you can be is a Mom.

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