Make Money Selling Jewelry from Home

Make Money Selling Jewelry From Home

Opening an online retail store is one of the most lucrative opportunities you can grab today. More people are buying products online, with the e-commerce industry expected to be worth about $5 trillion by 2021.

If you have an interest in selling jewelry but would rather work from home, opening an online store is the way to go.

There are several ways you can connect with customers online and sell pieces of jewelry, whether you’re producing them or not.

In today’s article, I’ll show you some of the easiest ways to make money selling jewelry from home. I’ll also include a few tips on how to get started in your online business to improve your chances of success.

Make and Sell Your Own Jewelry

Are you good at making hand-crafted jewelry? If so, then you should consider turning your hobby or talent into a profitable business.

With an online store, you can easily make jewelry from the comfort of your home, then sell them to people in diverse locations.

This is an activity that you can take up full-time or part-time to bring in some extra cash. But, before getting started on your pieces for sale, you need to figure out a few things.

What Products Will You Make and Sell?

First of all, you need to think about the products that you want to bring into the market. What audience do they cater to, and what makes them different from other pieces in the market?

People who are interested in hand-made jewelry are usually looking for unique pieces that cannot be found from mainstream jewelry brands.

Therefore, as you build your personal jewelry brand, you need to decide what kind of impression your product will have on potential customers.

Production Costs

Next, you need to think about the amount of money that you have to invest to produce the jewelry. Factor in material costs and labor, how much it’ll take you to set up and run an online store, and any other fees you may incur.

With these costs figured out, you’ll be able to price your jewelry accordingly to allow you to make a profit. Failing to keep track of your investment can lead you towards loses, unknowingly.

Where to Sell Your Products

The next thing to consider is where you wish to sell your products. When it comes to opening an online store, you have a lot of options, from Shopify, to Amazon, to creating your own website.

You should choose a platform that provides you with the right tools and features to establish a successful online store.

A well-designed store can make all the difference between whether you’ll make good sales or not. Your marketing efforts will also be instrumental in bringing customers your way.

Take advantage of social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to spread the word about your creations. You can also pin images of your jewelry on Pinterest, where a lot of people look for visual inspiration before making purchases.

Make Money Selling Jewelry from Home

Product Quality

Lastly, you should only offer well-crafted jewelry for sale. This is because your products’ quality is what will ultimately determine what sort of reputation your brand will build.

When you offer your customers great designs, they’re more likely to become repeat buyers and also refer you to their close ones. It will boost your business, and you’ll be able to make more money selling hand-made jewelry.

Become an Affiliate Marketer

If you’re not interested in making and selling jewelry, you can opt for affiliate marketing instead. It is a type of marketing where you sell products from a producer and earn a commission for every sale made.

Basically, your job here is to promote jewelry and urge customers to buy them.

When you partner up with a merchant to promote their jewelry, you’ll be provided with a unique link. You can display this link in places such as blog posts, social media platforms, or in other media where you can reach prospective customers.

When customers click your link, they’ll be directed to the products that you’re promoting. If they make a purchase, you’ll receive a percentage of the price as compensation.

Commission rates offered by major jewelry companies range between 5-25%.

If you choose jewelry to promote wisely, you may end up making a substantial passive income. Brands usually provide details about their affiliate programs, so check conditions before joining one.

Finding a Good Affiliate Program

Consider the commission rates, cookie duration, and affiliate support offered before joining an affiliate program. The higher the commission rate, the more money you’ll make per sale.

However, you also need to check whether the brand has a high conversion rate. If a good percentage of people who visit their site end up buying their jewelry, then you have a high possibility of earning lots of commission.

If they have a low conversion rate, not even a high commission rate can make it worth your while.

You can find good jewelry brands to promote by looking at the company reputation and its impact on the market. Is it well known, and what do customers have to say about their products?

If a lot of people trust the brand and like their products, then promoting them is a good call. But if there are negative reviews about them, it’s best to avoid promoting their products.

Customers will love it if you recommend high-quality products from good brands and will likely come back to your affiliate site to make more purchases.

Opting for an affiliate program where you’ll receive support and tools to help you along is also a great idea. This is especially when your juts getting started as an affiliate marketer.

The best affiliate programs offer affiliates with the help that they need to generate more leads and make more sales.

Work with a Direct Sales Company

Make Money Selling Jewelry from Home

Becoming a direct seller is another way through which you can make an income selling jewelry from home. Direct sales companies engage representatives who sell products from a manufacturer directly to customers.

This method of marketing does away with wholesalers or retailers who usually buy jewelry from manufacturers then sell it to customers.

As a direct sales representative, you’ll earn through commission. It is similar to affiliate marketing, but here you’re more of a salesperson than an influencer.

Also, while it’s free to join most affiliate programs, you’ll need to buy a starter kit if you want to start direct selling.

A starter kit may include display products and training material to help you kick-start your business.

Besides earning a commission for sales, you can also earn bonuses when you add more people to your marketing network.

As a direct seller, you don’t need to worry about product manufacture, storage, or even marketing. The brand you’re representing will take care of all these, while your sole task is to introduce and sell products to customers.

Direct selling is a great hustle to do from home because you can choose when to work. You’re not like an employee who’s bound to certain work hours or with deadlines to meet.

Just like with affiliate marketing, take various factors into mind before choosing a brand to work with.

A jewelry brand that already has an established market presence is the best if you want to have an easy time with direct selling.

Become a Wholesale Reseller

The last way on how to make money selling jewelry that we’ll look at is becoming a wholesale reseller.

This is when you buy products from suppliers in bulk at a discount, then sell them to consumers at a higher price for profit.

It’s up to you what products you want to include in your inventory and from which brands. Before deciding to become a wholesaler, it’s wise to conduct product and market research.

Also, learn the buying habits of your target market. By studying these three aspects, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about the type of products that’ll sell.

Here are other tips to help you become a successful online jewelry wholesale reseller:

Stock Jewelry that’s in Demand

When you study the market and consumer behavior, you’ll find out which jewelry products are on-demand at that time. You can do your research online, such as checking Google trends to find out which pieces are more likely to sell at a particular period.

Stocking jewelry that’s in demand makes it easier to clear out your inventory fast and keeps you from suffering losses.

Make Money Selling Jewelry from Home

Choose a Niche

It’s a good idea to concentrate on one niche as a wholesale reseller. This is when you decide to either just deal with necklaces, or rings, or luxury watches.

Customers are more likely to trust a brand specializing in just the kind of jewelry they’re looking for. They would rather opt for an online store that provides a wide variety of the type of jewelry they’re looking for, as it makes it easy for them to find great pieces.

When you focus on one niche, you’ll also be able to dedicate your time to finding the best and highest quality pieces available.

Offer Unique Pieces

As a wholesaler, you’ll probably be getting your jewelry from suppliers who also cater to most resellers in the market.

Therefore, your need to make extra effort to not be just another seller in the market, offering the same pieces as everyone else.

Take time to look for unique pieces that cannot be found with most online vendors. You’ll need to look at what your competitors are offering so that you can identify pieces that are saturated in the market and those that are under-represented.

When you offer unique pieces, consumers will be more likely to familiarize themselves with your online store.

Decide on an Operation Model

When getting started, you need to decide whether your ideal customers are other businesses or consumers.

This is where you get to choose between the B2B (business to business) or B2C (business to consumer) operation models.

In the first one, you’ll be selling jewelry to retailers, while in the second, you’ll be selling directly to the end-user.

When you sell to other jewelry stores, you’ll need to offer your pieces at a price that’s lower than the retail price. With consumers, you can sell the products at the retail price.

With B2B, you’ll be making bulk sales most of the time, so you should always keep a large inventory to be successful.

Where to Sell Jewelry from Home

Make Money Selling Jewelry from Home

Choosing where to sell your jewelry from home is a crucial decision. The right platform makes it easy to reach your target audience and make good sales.

When it comes to selling jewelry online, you have three main options of where you can place your products on display. These are online marketplaces, an online store, and social media.

Online Marketplace

These are established marketplaces where you can offer your products to an established customer base. Some of the most popular online marketplaces are Amazon, Etsy, and eBay.

There are many brands that use these platforms to reach potential customers, which means there’s a lot of competition here.

Getting a high rating for your products and services is the best way to establish yourself as a trusted seller on these platforms.

If there are a lot of positive reviews from past customers, more people will buy from you. Therefore, make an effort to present high-quality products and provide good customer service.

In regard to operational costs, most of these marketplaces will require you to pay either a listing or transaction fee. Otherwise, selling on such platforms is fairly low cost, and you don’t have to design your own store.

Social Media

Social media is another platform you can use to reach customers. This can be an excellent marketplace, especially when you’re selling hand-made jewelry.

The best platforms to use for your marketing needs are Facebook and Instagram. For these, take good quality photos of your jewelry and display them on your profile.

Great visuals are more likely to draw consumers’ attention, so make sure to capture all the best details of your products when taking pictures.

You’ll not pay anything to put your products on social media unless you’d like to take advantage of paid social and ads. It is an excellent way to get your products to your target audience.

One of the best things about selling on social media is that it allows you to engage with your customers, which is essential for building a lasting following.

However, social media may not be a very reliable place to sell if you’d like to grow your business to new heights.

Unless you intend to only maintain a small inventory, it’s best if you use social media to complement your other sale outlets, such as an online marketplace or store.

In such a case, social media can help draw new customers to your store. It’ll also provide you with a friendly environment to communicate with customers from your online store.

Online Store

Your third option is to open an online store. This is where you put your products on display for your customers to buy from.

Opening an online store is a suitable way to sell your jewelry when you want to build a professional brand.

How you build your online store will have a significant impact on your sales. The first thing to do when opening an online store is to choose a good platform to host it on.

You can do this by creating a website where you’ll host your shop or going for an e-commerce platform such as Shopify.

Shopify makes it super easy to build your online store and start reaching out to potential customers. It is a platform that’s dedicated to building e-commerce websites.

It provides you with themes to choose from to build the look of your store. You can choose the layout, content, and colors that go with your brand.

Shopify provides sellers with hosting and a domain for their website, alongside tools and features to enhance their e-commerce activity.

You can try Shopify for free for a period of 14 days. This is a hassle-free trial where you’re not required to provide any payment information.

Use these 14 days to familiarize yourself with the platform and find out how it can help you get jewelry to your target audience. If you like it, you can subscribe to use the platform for a monthly fee.

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Learn to Sell Successfully on Shopify

Make Money Selling Jewelry from Home

More than a million online businesses are hosted on Shopify, so you can already tell that this is a popular platform with sellers.

If you learn how to use the platform to your advantage, you can grow a successful jewelry business from home. However, it’s true that many online businesses fail after a few months as entrepreneurs find it hard to build their brand and get off the ground.

To avoid this, it’s a great idea to seek hacks and tips to help you excel. Shopifortunes is a course that you can take to learn the secret of some of the most successful sellers on Shopify.

This is a 6-part video training system that provides you with step by step guidance on how to start your store on Shopify and build it into a profitable brand.

Through this course, you can learn some of the strategies that have been used by successful sellers to make sales and build businesses from scratch.

You’ll receive expert guidance through the following phases:

  • Defining your product
  • Building your brand with your online store
  • How to set up shop on Shopify
  • Getting attention from your target audience
  • Preparation for launching your store
  • Secrets that can help you make good sales

Shopify Vs. Own Website

I’ve mentioned that you can establish your online store by creating a website or using an e-commerce platform like Shopify.

So, what’s the difference between these two, and which one is the better one for your jewelry business?

When you decide to create your own website, you’ll need to get hosting from service providers such as Bluehost and SiteGround.

Hosting makes your website available online, allowing it to be accessible by internet users from all around the world. You’ll also need to buy a domain name, which is basically your business name.

Here are some of the ways in which using Shopify differs from creating your own website:

Shopify is Dedicated to E-Commerce

Shopify is a website hosting platform that’s dedicated to e-commerce stores. It means that its features are optimized for online stores. Here, you’ll find all the tools you need to build an online store from scratch.

This is different from other platforms that allow users to build all sorts of websites. With providers such as Bluehost or SiteGround, you’ll need to use plugins in order to equip your website with e-commerce tools.

While you can hit the ground running with Shopify, you’ll need to spend more time and maybe even have to buy some features to make your personal website an efficient e-commerce site.

Shopify Provides Hosting and Domain Names

When you open an online store on Shopify, you’ll get the full package you need to host your site. This ranges from hosting, domain name, and security.

You’ll not need to pay any extra fees for these, unlike if you were to use other website building platforms.

When it comes to content management, Shopify has templates that you can use at any time to customize your e-commerce store. With other platforms, you may need to set up a content management software on your site or use plugins to make changes to your site.

While both options enable you to open an online store, Shopify is the more stress-free option. You’ll get all the tools you need for your online store, and since it’s optimized for e-commerce, you’ll not need plugins.

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Selling jewelry from home can be a great money-making venture if you approach it well. Make use of available resources such as Shopifortunes to help you crack the market, then choose a platform like Shopify that makes it easy to reach customers.

Provide products that consumers are bound to come looking for, and make sure that you only deal with high-quality pieces. This applies whether you’re selling hand-made jewelry or promoting those from another producer.

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