Motivation for Single Moms
Guides,  Parenting

Motivation For Single Moms

Being a single mother is no easy feat. You have to take care of your family on your own, and it’s easy to feel like you’re losing grip at times.

Many single moms feel overwhelmed at some point, so if you do, you shouldn’t feel as if you’re lacking. It’s part of your growth as a strong and independent parent who will eventually be able to support their family despite your circumstances.

In this article, I’m going to share with you tips on how you can hold down your fort in terms of money, parenting, and self-care. As a single mom, all of these things overlap, and you’ll find that your life gets better once you have them figured out.

How to Earn as a Single Mother?

A lot of single moms find themselves grappling with finances. Either they’re struggling to make ends meet, or they spend all their time at jobs that deny them time to spend with their kids.

Others find themselves deep in debt – without knowing how they quite got there! It’s understandable that with all the responsibilities that you have, your financial capabilities may be undermined.

But, one thing that I’ve found to be helpful to many single moms is looking for flexible jobs. These are jobs that allow you to earn enough income while leaving you with enough time to parent your kids.

Sounds like a dream, right?

Not in the 21st century, where technology allows you to work from anywhere. There are lots of work from home opportunities available for single moms that you can take advantage of today to grow your income and gain financial security.

Motivation for Single Moms

Boost Your Income (From Home!)

You can do online jobs as a side hustle to boost your current income, or you can make it your full-time job.

Some of the jobs that you can do online from home include:

  • Data entry jobs
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Drop-Shipping
  • Freelance writing
  • Customer service
  • Transcription
  • Blogging

If you consider your skills, I’m sure that you’ll find a job that’s a right fit for you. The best part about most of these online gigs is that you don’t need to have startup capital, experience, or technical skills.

A great example is affiliate marketing, where all you need to do is promote products or services from a particular company. You’ll make earnings from commissions paid when you drive customers their way.

Many single moms are making a killing online from this venture, which you can do from the comfort of your house – in your PJs if you like! Check out this 12-minute video to get all the instructions you need to get started on affiliate marketing and start earning today.

Check It Out

The Power of Positive Thinking

Regardless of your current financial situation, it’s possible to rise from it and gain the financial freedom you’ve always desired.

Just like Lisa Nichols, a renowned speaker who’s also a single mother, managed to get from having only $20 in her bank account to a famous CEO today! Part of her secret to this success lies in positive thinking, and every single mother can benefit from it too.

Don’t let your circumstances define you – whether financial or not – and work each day to reach for what you deserve. This way, you’ll be able to give your kids and yourself the best life possible.

Parenting Tips for Single Moms

As a single mother, all parenting responsibilities are on you. This can be challenging, but that doesn’t mean that you’re set up for failure.

There’s a wealth of knowledge around you that you can use to gain skills on how to get better at raising your kids. Keep in mind that none of us has it completely figured out, and we can always do with some learning now and then.

One of the best ways to get parenting tips and motivation is by seeking out books written by single mothers like yourself. After all, they’re the ones who can understand your situation best.

  • The Badass Single Mom’s Survival Guide: 21 Life Hacking Tips is a book by H.M. Hudson that presents you with different tips for single moms, including those on parenting. It’s a short, enjoyable read, and you might just learn something to help you with the kids in between the pages.

Buy It Now!


  • Another great book I’d like to recommend is The Kickass Single Mom by Emma Watson. It includes insights on how to thrive as a single mom on all fronts – from parenting to finances.

Buy It Now!

And, if you need advice that’s closer to home, you can always connect with other single moms around you to find out how they’re doing it.

It’s okay to not know everything – none of us does. But if others’ experiences can help you become a better parent and deal with the various challenges that you face, you should go for it.

Taking Care of Yourself

Many single moms neglect themselves. It’s sad, but it’s the truth.

As a single mom myself, I understand the feeling that only your child matters and everything that you do is centered around them. And, while that’s not a bad way to think, it becomes less than ideal when you forget to take care of yourself.

Yes, you need to pay the bills and give your kid the life they deserve, but you can do that for only so long if you don’t take care of yourself. So, while you chase financial security and strive to become the best parent that you can, you should also mind your happiness and health.

Before you feel guilty about it – which you shouldn’t, but once again, I understand that guilt can be a constant feeling when you’re a single mom – remember that your well-being affects your kids.

They may seem too young to understand but rest assured that if you don’t look well or go around with a forlorn face, it’ll affect them psychologically.

Your physical and mental health can also affect how you associate with them. If it’s on the bad side, this effect can be negative, and you might find yourself neglecting their needs, especially emotionally.

As much as your kids need you financially, they also need your support on other aspects of their lives. Therefore, if there’s anything that can get in the way of your parenting, it should be fixed promptly.

How to Maintain Your Health as a Single Mom?

Are you always tired at the end of the day and barely have any energy to play with your kids? This is a reality for many single moms.

A busy work life not only robs you of essential time with your kids but also causes you to lose a grip on your health. When all you care about is the kids and where to get the next paycheck, it’s easy to let yourself go.

Many moms gain weight over time, which makes it even harder to fulfill responsibilities. To make matters worse, this paves the way for other health complications, which will make it harder to go about your daily activities.

Balancing it All

Being able to fulfill the financial demands of your family, be a great parent to your kids, and keep yourself sane is easier said than done. But, as I already mentioned, this can be done with positive thinking and a little bit of motivation.

Sit down and identify your goals for you and your kids, then think of ways that you can achieve them. Leave anything holding you back – a job that drains you, unsupportive people in your life, or your own mindset – behind and fix your vision on a better future for your family.

In this video, Mary Moran shares 5 tips on how to lead a better life as a single mom despite the challenges that you face. If you need the motivation to take care of yourself unapologetically while getting everything done and living on your own terms, it’s worth watching.


As a single mother, you’ll go through difficult times, but that doesn’t mean that your current situation is your destiny. If you put your mind to it, you’ll be able to overcome the obstacles holding you back and establish a better life for your kids.

Keep learning from other successful single moms around you, and before you know it, you’ll have a lot of things figured out. This way, you’ll be able to take better care of your kids and yourself without necessarily relying on anyone.

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