PiYo Reviews
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Piyo Reviews

When I first started using PiYo, I was a little overweight. I had gained two dress sizes in just under a year, and I no longer loved my body.

My confidence went down the drain, and so did my physical and mental health.

As a single mom taking care of my daughter and juggling a busy job, I felt that I was losing grip on my health.

That’s when I went on a search for the right workout program that could bring back my slim body shape. I was particularly interested in yoga since I wanted to boost my mental health as I lost the pounds.

PiYo is one of the programs that I came across that incorporated yoga. I got started on it, hoping for the best.

I was expecting to burn calories to shed off the fat that had settled around my waist, thighs, and belly. I also hoped that it would help me get back my energy and mental clarity.

But, a month into the program, I realized that it wasn’t working for me. If you’re thinking about trying PiYo, this review is for you.

Read on to find out what it entails, and why it didn’t work for me. I’ll also tell you about Yoga Burn, the amazing program that I discovered shortly after quitting PiYo.

This other program helped me get back my desired body shape and left me with energy to take care of my kid without feeling like I would drop from fatigue.


How It All Began…

After working hard at my job for years, I was financially in a position that I’d coveted for long. I was making more money which was important to me as a solo mom.

It would make it easier for me to take care of my daughter without turning to loans, and our life was undoubtedly going to be much easier. I was also looking forward to the extended yearly leave that I was able to take.

It meant that I would have more time to go on vacation with my daughter, and I couldn’t be more excited. But it didn’t happen, to my great dismay.

With increased work load, I had to work extra hours on most days and sometimes had to work on weekends. This cost me many hours with my daughter, who had to spend time at daycare every week because my work hours became crazy.

I didn’t like this at all, but little did I know that was the tip of my new problems.

My Me-Time Was Gone

With a hectic schedule at work, my me-time was gone. I did not have time for my weekend runs anymore, which I believe are what always kept my mind fresh and ready for a new week at work.

I usually got back home tired and ready to hit the bed, with barely enough energy to engage with my daughter. Fast-forward to a year later, and my new stressful and packed work life left me with a weight gain that demanded a wardrobe overhaul.

That was when I knew that I had to do something about my weight, or everything would keep going downhill. I didn’t have the time to hit the gym like so many single moms can’t, so I looked for online workout programs that I could follow from home.

I believed that yoga had the key to what I was looking for – great shape and mental well-being, so that’s what I looked for. There were so many programs that promised all the results I was looking for, but there was one problem.

Each time I decided to try a new one, I got bored easily and lost motivation. This cycle repeated, and it was at this time that I discovered PiYo.

PiYo Review

My Experience with PiYo

PiYo was a bit different from the other yoga programs I had come across. Instead of pure yoga, it was a combination of two workout styles that had been in use for decades.

Excited at the new approach, I decided to give it a try. I hadn’t tried Pilates before, but since it was marketed as a low impact program, I was sure that I would get the hang of it soon enough.

PiYo is an 8-week program, and I was determined to go through with it. After several false starts, I was sure that I had found the right regimen for me.

What I liked best about this program, besides the fact that it included yoga, was the fact that it’s low impact. It doesn’t require any weights or gym equipment, which is great when you want to workout at home.

It also promised no aches or pains, and I thought that the deal couldn’t get any better. So, armed with my yoga mat, I got started on the first phase of PiYo.

The first phase is known as Align, and this is where I got to learn the fundamental poses that I would be using throughout the program. The workout video was 40-minutes long.

In order to perform well in the program, I had to master this phase. Now, while PiYo is a low-impact program, it’s also fast-paced…

And I Couldn’t Keep Up…

PiYo aims to boost fat burning in the body while helping you sculpt muscles and get leaner. Therefore, it involves fast-paced movements; the complete opposite of the still poses that you have to hold for a while during yoga or Pilates.

This is where I began falling behind. I had to do these exercises daily in order to progress on time, but it wasn’t working for me.

To begin with, I wasn’t in a position to commit to a workout program each day of the week. After the first few days of trying to learn the fundamentals, my motivation started dwindling.

I skipped days, with weekends being the only time I could fully concentrate on the workouts. What had happened with the previous programs was happening again. I was bored.

The fast pace of the workouts didn’t help, especially as I advanced to the next level that concentrated on my lower body. Perhaps I was too unfit for the intensity of PiYo, and that’s why I couldn’t keep up with the movements.

I was back to the drawing board, looking for a program that could help me transition well into an active lifestyle. Most importantly, I wanted a program that would keep me engaged long enough to help me achieve my goals.

How I Discovered Yoga Burn

In my frustration, I began considering enrolling in a yoga class at the local gym. But, with my schedule and daughter to look after, I didn’t really have the freedom to do that. Yet, I knew that I had to act fast, or my health would keep declining if I did nothing about the pounds that kept on piling.

At this point, I decided to consult fellow moms on one of the Facebook groups I belong to. I shared my frustrations with the Yoga programs I had tried and asked if anyone knew of a regimen that could be ideal for me, considering my fitness level and hectic schedule.

That’s when one of the members suggested Yoga Burn, and a few others seconded her. I decided to give it a try, hoping that it would be what I needed.

Fast forward to a year later, and I was in my best shape ever, got my confidence back, and felt happier than before. Yoga Burn was such a massive influence on my lifestyle, and I’ve never looked back.

If you’re looking for a Yoga workout that’ll not make you feel rushed, Yoga Burn can be great for you too. It worked for me in ways that PiYo couldn’t because it utilized a technique that allowed me to learn all the poses easily and master the transitions.

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What You Need to Know About Yoga Burn

Being in the worst shape of my life, I was looking for a low impact yoga workout that I could do comfortably at home. PiYo claims to be that, but the movements turned out to be too challenging for me.

Then I was introduced to Yoga Burn, and I found out about the dynamic sequencing technique that changed everything – including the boredom issue! So, what do you need to know about Yoga Burn?

Yoga Burn is a 12-week program that’s designed to help women of all ages and fitness levels get to their preferred body shape. But that’s not all. It also includes bonus videos to help you achieve emotional well-being and self-confidence – both of which I was in dire need of.

This program was created by Zoe Bray Cotton, an experienced personal trainer, and certified yoga instructor. She’s also a motivational speaker, and her guidance was one of the things that enabled me to complete the program without feeling demotivated or bored.

Yoga Burn’s Dynamic Sequencing

When creating this program, Zoe used a technique called dynamic sequencing. This technique allows you to learn each step and pose, helps your body adjust to it, then moves on to the next challenge before you can get used to it.

This is one of the reasons why Yoga Burn never gets boring. Just when you’re becoming comfortable with a pose, you’re introduced to a new one to ensure that you keep progressing.

Yoga Burn includes 3 phases, all of which utilize this technique. Therefore, once you get started with the first one, you can expect to maintain your flow through the program. Let me introduce you to these phases and what you can expect.

PiYo Review Yoga Burn

The Phases of Yoga Burn

Each phase of Yoga Burn lasts for 4 weeks. By the time you’re done with all of them, you’ll have spent 12 weeks.

The recommended exercise frequency is 3 times weekly, plus a bonus video. This bonus video is called the Tranquility flow, and its aim is to support mental health. Since I always watched this video too, I practiced this program 4 times a week.

This was more sustainable for me than PiYo, which required me to exercise at least 6 days each week. Each video was 45 minutes long. Here are the 3 phases of Yoga Burn, and what they entail:

Foundational Flow

This is the phase where I learned all the basic poses that I’d be using throughout the program. When you begin Yoga Burn, you need to be focused during this stage.

This is because it’s when you build your yoga foundation and where you establish your pace. If you get through this, you’ll have a much easier time through the subsequent phases.

Besides prepping my body for what was to come, the foundational flow also helped me create a positive mindset about the program. So, my determination to get through the challenge was deeply rooted, and I was able to stay focused enough to get the results I needed.

Transitional Flow

After learning the basic poses during the foundational flow, I got to combine them into various movements in the second phase.

This was when things got a bit intense, and I was able to start burning more calories. The transitional flow contains 3 workout videos focusing on the core, lower, and upper body muscles.

And, thanks to the dynamic sequencing, I was able to complete the four weeks of this phase without feeling like giving up. This was much farther than I had gone on any of the other programs I had tried before.

Mastery Flow

Last came the mastery flow, where everything I practiced in the first two phases intensified. Thanks to the timely pacing of the previous stages, this stage did not overwhelm me.

By the time I got here, my fitness had improved tremendously, and I was able to exercise each set of muscles for the required amount of time.

I was no longer at a point where I was trying to build a routine and stick with it. At this point, I was more than excited about my workouts, and I completed all 3 weekly videos plus the bonus on time.

12 weeks on, and I had lost quite a few pounds, which took me back two dress sizes. That was more than I had hoped for, and I felt more like myself again.

I was no longer a stressed, overweight woman with dwindling self-confidence. With my newfound confidence, I found that I was also able to perform better at work.

And, thanks to the energy boost that came with my new state, I was no longer a tired mom who had no time to play with her child. I was able to spend quality time with my daughter when I was home.

By the time the pressure at work lessened, and I was able to get back to my old lifestyle – the one without late nights, early mornings, and weekend workloads – I was back to my old shape and feeling better about myself than ever before.

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Thoughts on PiYo

When you look at customer reviews on PiYo, you’ll find mixed feedback. For some, PiYo helped them burn calories, lose weight, and improve their flexibility.

Then there’s the other group – where I belong – that reports unsatisfactory results. Looking at some of the other reviews, I found a fair number of women who felt that it was too fast-paced and intense for them.

A lot of the negative reviews were from women who felt that it wasn’t as low impact as they had hoped. While it’s true that it doesn’t require any equipment or weights, there was a considerable strain on areas such as the wrists and neck.

And, if you’re not at your best fitness level, this can be a bit of a challenge. While PiYo can be a great workout for some women, it might not be the best for you if you’re plus size and just beginning to workout.

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Distracting Commercials

Another common complaint about PiYo was the commercials that were part of the workout videos. For me, this is one of the things that distracted me during my routines.

There are several ads on Beachbody products – Beachbody is the fitness company that introduced PiYo – in between the workout videos. Having paid a high price for the DVDs, I felt that the commercials were a bad decision on the company’s part.

Nobody wants to spend their hard-earned money on a workout program only to have to sit through commercials along the way. This is not something that you’ll find on Yoga Burn – or on most decent workout programs, for that matter.

This issue makes PiYo even more undesirable for many people. If you’re easily distracted and looking for a fulfilling workout routine, it might not be the best idea.

Of course, the fact that it also costs so much more than other programs in the market does not make things better. You pay more, then end up watching ads – not my cup of tea.

PiYo Review Yoga Burn

PiYo Vs. Yoga Burn: Which One Should You Go For?

As I already mentioned, there are some women who had a great experience with PiYo. Then there’s the other half who weren’t as impressed.

But, when I looked at Yoga Burn reviews, I found that there were glowing feedbacks from women of all ages, fitness levels, and backgrounds.

Some of the most mentioned benefits of Yoga Burn included:

  • Most women lost a lot of pounds within the 12 weeks and were able to gain their desired body shapes.
  • Improved mental well-being, with many women reporting that they felt more confident and sexy after completing the program.
  • The program was very easy on beginners, ensuring that they didn’t feel left behind. This is very important since when you start a workout routine, you don’t want to feel as if you’re too slow and unfit. It can ruin your confidence and resolve, but that’s not something most women had to worry about with Yoga Burn.
  • By the time they were done with the program, most women found that they were able to form a habit of healthy living. They were more active, more aware of their mental health, and made better choices with the food they ate.

If you’re looking for a program that’s great for beginners of all fitness levels, Yoga Burn could be the best fit for you. PiYo seems to be a bit biased towards women who are already in great shape due to its intense movements.


What’s your fitness level, and what are you hoping to achieve by the end of your workout program? These two questions can help you decide which program is best for you between PiYo and Yoga Burn.

In my case, Yoga Burn was a great choice because it kept me motivated till the end. At no time did I feel rushed, and neither did I struggle with boredom.

Zoe is also a great instructor, and her guidance helped a lot. Then there was the bonus video that helped me develop a strong mindset and overcome my anxieties and insecurities.

By looking at my experience and those of other women online, I hope you can identify the best program for you. In my opinion, Yoga Burn is a great value for your money and a good option if you’ve been struggling to find a program that you can stick to.

Have you tried PiYo or Yoga Burn before? If you decide to give them a go, share your experience with me in the comments below, and let’s compare experiences!

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