Yoga Burn
Health,  Product Reviews

Yoga Burn Review

Not every yoga class in the fitness industry will work for you. Sad, but true.

The problem is not with you, neither is it with yoga itself. The main reason why most people fail to see any results after taking numerous yoga classes is because of the delivery method used.

Think of this. What was the last yoga class you took? What was the setting? Who were your classmates? What were your fitness goals?

Unless the class that you take is addressing your personal fitness needs, there’s a huge possibility that results will be unsatisfactory. Luckily, there’s a way to fix that.

Lady Yoga Pose

The Program That Changed My Life

Today, I’ll be reviewing Yoga Burn. The Yoga Burn Challenge is a fitness program that has gained popularity among women wishing to enhance their physical and mental wellness.

Having tried this program myself, I want to tell you exactly what you need to know about it. Is it worth your time?

Through my review, you’ll be able to learn what Yoga Burn offers, and what makes it different from other yoga classes you’ve had before. In the end, you’ll be able to decide whether this challenge is for you or not.

It Got Better and Then Worse…

Landing a promotion that I’d been working towards for about five years was the highlight of my 2018. My life was finally shaping up how I wanted, and it couldn’t get any better!

One year into my dream position and I realized that my work life was taking a toll on my health.

The new position, besides coming with more perks, also came with more stress and anxieties. I was in charge of a lot of operations in my company and had to work twice as hard that I had before.

I always woke up early and left my work much later than scheduled since I always found myself dealing with an ever-increasing workflow. My sleeping patterns disintegrated, my eating habits changed, and I barely had any time for self-care.

Within a year, I could see changes that I didn’t like in my body. My skin was worse than it had ever been, and my waist, hip, and thigh areas were thickening up.

By mid-year 2019, I had to do a complete overhaul of my wardrobe because nothing could fit any more. That’s when I knew I had to change something about my lifestyle.

yoga burn

I Found What I Needed to Change Everything Back to Better…

Instead of giving up my job, I decided to make changes in my life that would help me cope better with the challenges that I was facing. That’s when I started considering yoga.

I dived into the internet, looking for a yoga class that would help me de-stress and get my preferred body size and shape back. There were so many options, and I was conflicted about which one to try.

Like many beginners, I sampled several classes without finding anything that I could stick with. It didn’t help that my overworked brain always left me demotivated and made it hard to concentrate on anything helpful for long.

I knew that I needed guidance, someone to help me build a strong foundation that would keep me going until I got the results I wanted. Just when I was thinking about joining a yoga class at the local gym, I came across Yoga Burn.

When I watched the introduction video, it sounded like what I had been looking for.

The impression I got was that the challenge would enable me to take the steps necessary to raise my activity level without feeling unmotivated or getting bored along the way.

Most of the reviews sounded encouraging, so I decided to give digital yoga one last chance. One year later, I’m back in shape, lost all excess fat in my body, and feel energized every day at work.

And My Fortunes Changed…

Everything in my life has changed. My thoughts lean more on the positive side now, and my entire lifestyle has become healthier, right down to what I eat.

That’s because Yoga Burn did not just help me achieve a great body shape and state of mind to get the results I wanted.

I also became more aware of all the little things that contributed to my deteriorating psychological state and how I could deal with them.

At work, tasks that gave me headaches before now seemed easy to tackle. The feeling of frustration disappeared, and I felt more in control than ever.

I was happier with myself, my work, and my life. All this just because I found the motivation to carry out the right exercises for my mind and body.

If you’re stuck in a place of discontentment about your physical appearance and want to change that, Yoga Burn could work for you. I mean, it did wonders for me!

Yoga Burn

What Is Yoga Burn?

Yoga Burn Challenge is a 12-week program made for women of all ages and fitness levels. It’s designed to help you burn calories, get into shape, and feel happier.

This program was created by Zoe Bray-Cotton. Zoe is a renowned certified yoga instructor, female body transformation specialist, and personal trainer.

With over 10 years of experience and thousands of women who have benefited from her programs, she’s a force to reckon within the industry.

This program takes you through 3, well-defined phases that take you through all the steps necessary for maximum results.

It’s based on a technique known as Dynamic Sequencing that helps your body adapt to changes.

You’ll love to know that this technique is designed to ensure that you never reach a point during the program when you’re bored or doing the same thing over and over again.

Three Phases to Get You the Results You Need

I absolutely loved how the program was divided into 3 phases. It made it easier to ease into yoga and finally get serious with my fitness goals.

The first phase prepared me for the second, and the first two culminated in a third, intensive last phase.

Phase 1: Foundational Flow

This is the phase that got me to do what all other yoga classes online had failed to. It helped me build a strong foundation for yoga practice, and that’s what kept me going until the last phase.

During the Foundation Flow Stage, You’ll Get the Following:

  • Learn how to carry out a strong yoga practice in order to reap maximum benefits.
  • Introduce you to the basic poses that you’ll be using throughout the program.
  • Learn how to create a formidable body-mind connection during practice.

By the end of this phase, you’ll be able to perform each pose in the right way. Your body will also begin getting in shape as you lose weight and form lean muscles.

yoga burn

But There’s A Catch!

You’ll only benefit from this phase if you put in the effort. While this phase might seem like the easiest, it’s actually the most crucial.

If you don’t learn what you should here, it’ll be very hard to execute phase 2&3 optimally. It’s by learning everything here that I was able to complete the other stages in a safe and effective manner.

This phase lasts for the first 4 weeks, which is enough time to warm you up for the challenge and get your body prepped for what’s to come (which is a LOT).

Phase 2: Transitional Flow

During the Second Phase, Several Things Happened:

  • One, I learned how to combine all the basic poses in the first phase in a manner that enabled me to burn more calories plus raise my heart rate.
  • Two, my body never got the chance to get used to a certain pose, which led to number three…
  • I never got bored or lost motivation.

I got access to 3 workout videos for this phase. These videos focused on muscle groups in my upper body, core, and lower body.

The most fun thing about this phase is how you learn to link poses in order to deliver the desired effect to the body.

I personally enjoyed it a lot and found that it was easier to focus throughout the practice. Something I was unable to do before because my mind always wandered!

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Phase 3: Mastery Flow

Now, this is where everything that I learned in phase 1 and 2 was taken a notch higher and enabled me to transform my body COMPLETELY!

Of course, I noticed several positive changes in my body and state of mind during the previous weeks, but this was when everything really changed.

What’s so different about Mastery Flow?

  • Each practice video includes more repetition of poses that are aimed at exercising the right muscle for the right amount of time.
  • It boosted my metabolism insanely, which was key to attaining my desired body shape.

The last phase was significantly more intense than the last two, but I was not frustrated at all. This was because I went through all the lessons offered in phase 1 and 2 and was therefore ready for it.

With 3 videos per week, each 45 minutes long, I had more than enough to get me in practice and form a habit.

There’s also a bonus video provided for each week that you’ll want to try once you get started. It’s what helped me build on my self-confidence and improve my emotional wellbeing.

By the time I was done, I was not just more fit, but also happier.

What You Need to Know About Yoga Burn

Yoga Burn is made to help women of all fitness levels. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve never heard of yoga before, or if you’ve been to a hundred and one yoga classes.

As long as your goal is to lose extra fat, boost your metabolism, get that coveted hourglass figure, and feel happier, it’s a suitable product.

As I already mentioned, the results that you get will heavily depend on the effort that you put. It means that you should watch all the weekly videos and follow the guidelines.

It worked for me, and I’m confident you’ll see changes if you go step by step.

Yoga Burn

So, Does It Really Work?

If you’ve been through several yoga classes without finding the results you want, I understand that you might be skeptical about Yoga Burn.

After all, every other program provides a list of claims that doesn’t always prove true.

So, what’s the deal with Yoga Burn? Can you trust what Zoe is promising?

Rhonda B. is a 58-year-old woman from Myrtle Beach, SC, who was able to become more flexible and lose 2 dress sizes after completing the Yoga Burn program.

She’s just one of many middle-aged and older women who are now in their best shapes ever because of Yoga Burn.

Then there’s Danielle H., a 33-year old woman from Toronto, ON, who was able to get in shape within a few weeks just in time for her vacation! Her secret? Yoga Burn.

If you listen to these women, you’ll find that they emphasize the importance of following the program.

Even more exciting, they report that it’s easy to do that because the program is paced just right to ensure nobody is left behind.

Is Yoga Burn Right for You? Where Can You Buy It?

Yoga Burn is for you if you want to experience yoga’s mind-altering effects while burning crazy amounts of calories.

yoga burn

If You Relate with The Following Scenarios, Then You’re at The Right Program:

  • You want to become fit without going to the gym or having to lift weights.
  • You’ve tried many yoga classes without much success.
  • You’re a beginner and want a program that’ll give you adequate guidance.
  • You would like to build your confidence and feel sexy in your own body.

Get the Yoga Burn digital download and physical collection by clicking the button below and begin your 12-week challenge. There are price discounts available and a 100% money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with the product.

Check It Out



Created by a seasoned yoga instructor and recommended by women from all walks of life, Yoga Burn can help you get the body you want.

You’ll burn calories, feel more energized, and become a lot more flexible. By the time you’re done, you’ll have defeated any body image insecurities you had.

A lot of things can wait, but not your health. Your happiness can’t either.

Zoe Bray-Cotton provides you with a quick way to get real results using fresh methods that’ll change your outlook on fitness.

It’s now all up to you to decide whether Yoga Burn is up your alley or not. What do you think?

Let me know in the comments when you give it a try and share your experiences. I’m looking forward to hearing your success story, now that you know mine!

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